Vigenere ciphers

  1. Caesar Ciphers and Vignere Cipher overview: and the A, E, I, O, and U frequency analysis - its a vowel about what percent of the time? What is the most frequently occurring vowel? Consonant?

  2. Showing Caesar substitution with Vigenere variation (short version).

  3. Showing Caesar substitution with Vigenere variation (complete version).

  4. Temple University application (try it out).

  5. Frequency Analysis immunity through Polyalphabetic Ciphers, which the Vigenere Cipher is one Cryptography tool for.

  6. The WikiPedia tour of Vigenere has lots of history of its origins.

  7. A wonderful interactive Vigenere Cipher Applet that demonstrates and even breaks encrpted cipher text and discovers the secret polyalphabetic key.

  8. See if you can decrypt the following THREE messages. Note: We did the first one in class on February 10th, 2011. You do NOT need to send me your plaintext solution for this first one. Just the 2nd and the 3rd.
    sxg clybh ry fcvmc firr ercrm gamep blifktnorgxk gxenbm jsrgyaydl
    cerg mekzyqswz oes d mde pryh yieln t yxx fo vqkvc gi ybm lqx fom pms yd  
    wyx hevst owf opjyqg mvmm skzyr ovq i wro qq krbktnv makxg yrqsr ro kp
    kx gyr qdybor rc

    Message One (use the one below here, without the spaces)...

    Use the APPLET to discover the secret VIGENERE key that was used, and to see what the plaintext message was.

  9. A wonderful interactive Vigenere Cipher Applet that demonstrates and even breaks encrpted cipher text and discovers the secret polyalphabetic key.
    Use the APPLET to discover the secret VIGENERE key that was used, and to see what the plaintext message was.

    Message Two (this one uses a different key than message one).


    Message Three (uses a different key than all the rest of them).
    evgxvcqlr bw ekb wnwk w brvlek abgk su bux