Hi 021 students, <------- Wednesday, March 3rd email note ... The Friday, March 5th exam will be over the following: 1. Chapter 1, 2, 4 and 8 of the textbook. 2. Tutorials 1, 2 and 3 of the Excel book, which names chapters "Tutorials" instead of "Chapters". 3. Lecture notes, hands-on lab notes/experiences. 4. Homework assignments such as the Excel and the Binary and the two current CD-ROM labs that are due on Friday (See my office door and/or pages 4-43 and 4-44 of the book for Defragmentation and Disk Operations lab and the Windows, Directories, Folders and Files lab Steps and Explore exercises). Types of questions you will see on the test: 1. Here is a screen snapshot of a portion of a web page. Please write the HTML that you would see if you did the View menu, Source command and could see it. The answer to today's example which showed a bulleted list, a horizontal ruler, a sentence with a link to UNI's web page with UNI the hypertext, and a beautiful photo of a skier below that was:
horizontal ruler is
, it divides

the page, so

is optional here.... I saw all these movies while at UNI. 2. In the above answer, suppose the page displays a RED X instead of the beautiful skier graphic drawn on the board in today's class. What could cause this? There are several answers! a. The file might not be there. Maybe it isn't in the web folder. Login to your chaos account. ls <-- list files with ls to see if file is beside web folder instead of INSIDE web folder. cd web ls <-- see if file is INSIDE web folder you just changed directory to with cd command... b. The file might not be named skier.gif Is it Skier.gif? That is a different name, since s not = S! Is it skier.jpg Maybe it was a .jpg instead of a .gif! c. The file permissions might not be set to share this wonderful graphic with your group and with your other (internet or web). ls -l skier.gif -rwx------ skier.gif chmod 644 skier.gif ls -l skier.gif -rw-r--r-- skier.gif 6 is rw-, 4 is r--, 4 is r-- 110100100 110 100 100 6 4 4 I also review why chmod 711 would look like this for web folder. chmod 711 web ls -l web drwx--x--x web 7 is rwx, 1 is --x, 1 is still --x 111001001 111 001 001 7 1 1 7 1 1 3. The binary to decimal conversion: What is the binary number 11100111 in base 10 (decimal)? and vice versa: What is 198 in binary? 4. The textbook TESTING online quizzes are available for your review today and tommorrow and Friday. If you review a test you have taken, it shows you which questions you got wrong and also lets you see all the questions again. Smiley face for OK ones, Frowning face for the ones you got wrong. The textbook should be emphacized especially where: a. we did CD-ROM labs for homework or demonstrated em in class - textbook always has related readings.... b. i thought stuff was important enough to put on a quiz, for the chapter 1, 2, 4 and 8 online quizzes. c. the lecture notes and handouts relate to the text reading. 5. Microsoft Excel Tutorial 1, 2, and 3 and lab experiences, lectures, assignments and demonstrations: a. know the SUM and the AVERAGE functions. b. what would =SUM(B3:D5) display, if you can see the 9 numbers in cells B3, C3, D3, B4, C4, D4 and B5, C5, D5)? c. What formula would you use in cell E2 to get the total on the or the mean of the test scores (shown as screen snapshot)? d. I have the formula =B10 * A$12 + $G$19 in cell D10.... What happens when we COPY that formula from cell D10 and PASTE it to cell G8? The answer is based on your understanding of ABSOLUTE, RELATIVE and MIXED cell references, which is in the EXCEL 97 book and which was covered in both a lecture segment and a lab. In cell D10, the reference B10 means two columns to my left, same row as me (cause B10 is a RELATIVE reference). In cell D10, the reference A$12 means 3 columns left of me, row 12, cause A$12 is a MIXED reference, both relative A and absolute $12. No matter where the $G$19 occurs, it is an absolute lock on and reference to cell G9 cause of the $$ in $G$9! The answer formula that would be in cell G8 is: =E8 * D$12 + $G$19 e. know the AutoFill button for automatically filling days of our lives, months, formulas, etc. 6. Your lecture notes and handouts and the basic lab highlights should of course be studied carefully. 7. The test will include some objective True/False and multiple choice, it will also have fill in the blank and short answer/brief explain, and the write HTML, convert to binary, etc. It will have at least 25 questions and at most 55 questions. This concludes the highlights of the review session and outline for preparing for the test that was covered today. Your web page due date has been extended from Wednesday March 10th to get it done by Friday, March 12th. I will add this email note as a file linked to from our class web page, found at http://www.cns.uni.edu/~jacobson/c021.html for your convenience. Mark