What will be on the final exam for Computer Applications? 1. Know your HTML and review your past quizzes. 2. Know your four generations of computers. Vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, microprocessors. 3. Know the reading on John Vincent Atanasoff. 4. Know your base 2 binary and your base 16 hexadecimal. 5. Know the following commands enough to describe what it is for or select the right command for the Linux or Unix job. cd, ls, chmod, nano, pine, pico, man 6. Know what a gradient is in GIMP. 7. Know the basic idea of Horner's method for estimating the square root of a positive number. 8. Know the basic idea of Newton's method for estimating the square root of a positive number. 9. Know the four structures invented by Ada Augusta for Charles Babbage's mid 1800's computer, which was called by him the Analytical Engine.