C. Web Sites and Other Resources

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Internet Resources

URL, etc.


www.adapower.com A site with various Ada-related items, notably the "Ada Source Code Treasury." Maintained by David Botton.
wuarchive.wustl.edu/languages/ada/pal.html Public Ada Library (PAL), a large collection of freely downloadable compilers, documents, courseware, etc. Maintained by Richard Conn.
comp.lang.ada A Usenet newsgroup that provides helpful technical discussions for Ada programmers.
www.acm.org/sigada Site with information, such as upcoming conferences, relevant to SIGAda. (See organization below.)  Maintained by SIGAda officers and members.
www.acm.org/sigs/sigada/education A portion of the SIGAda site devoted to educational resources. Maintained by students and faculty of George Washington University, under supervision of Prof. Michael Feldman.
www.adaic.com Ada Information Clearinghouse web site maintained by the ARA. (See organization below.) Has up-to-date information on Ada compilers and other useful items such as "Ada Success Stories."


Text Books

(The following are the Ada texts most consulted by the author of this work.)
(There are many other Ada texts - see sigada/education web site listed above.)




[Barnes96] Programming in Ada 95 Popular Ada text with good discussions of most topics
[Ben-Ari98] Ada for Software Engineers Smaller text with focus on object oriented programming with Ada, and good examples
[Cohen96 Ada as a Second Language Very comprehensive text with detailed explanations -- more then 1000 pages
[Feldman96] Ada Problem Solving and Program Design College "CS1" text -- first course in programming, using Ada
[Feldman97] Software Construction and Data Structures with Ada 95 College "CS2" text -- data structures course, using Ada
[Gonzalez91] Ada Programmer's Handbook Alphabetical glossary of terms with small coded examples -- Ada 83 only


Organizations and Periodicals



SIGAda Special Interest Group: Ada, a part of the  Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) professional society. See web site above.
Ada Letters Quarterly publication of SIGAda, with technical articles and news of conferences, working group activities, etc.
Ada Europe An association of European professional groups such as Ada France, Ada Germany, Ada UK, etc.
Ada User Journal Quarterly publication of Ada UK, with technical articles and news of conferences, working group activities, etc.
JOOP Journal of Object Oriented Programming, bi-monthly publication with technical articles, including frequent Ada-related articles by Richard Riehle.
ARA Ada Resource Association, an industry group consisting of Ada compiler vendors: ACT, Aonix, Averstar, DDC-I, Green Hills, and Rational. (See AdaIC web site above.)

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