Date |
Session Materials |
After-class Materials |
Unit 1 - Programming with Scratch |
8/26 |
Course Introductions |
8/28 |
Lesson - Introducing Scratch |
8/30 |
Lesson - Scratch Animations |
PA1 - Simple Animation (Due 9/6) |
9/2 |
Labor Day - No Class |
9/4 |
Lesson - Storytelling, part 1 |
9/6 |
Lesson - Storytelling, part 2 (Harry Potter) |
PA1 - Peer Reviews
PA2 - Tell me a Story (Due 9/11) |
9/9 |
Lesson - Variables and Conditionals, part 1 |
9/11 |
Lesson - Variables and Conditionals, part 2
Activity - Mad Libs |
PA2 - Peer Reviews
PA3 - Interactive Introductions (Due 9/18) |
9/13 |
On Your Own - Mouse/Keyboard Interactions |
Optional : Making Video Games |
9/16 |
Lesson - Functions, part 1 |
9/18 |
Lesson - Functions, part 2 |
PA3 - Peer Reviews
PA4 - Functional Artwork (Due 9/23) |
9/20 |
Lesson - Lists, part 1 |
9/23 |
Lesson - Lists, part 2 |
PA4 - Peer Reviews
PA5 - He's Making a List (Due 9/30) |
9/25 |
Reading Python Activity |
Get your computer ready for Python |
9/27 |
CD #1 [Study Guide]
Unit 2 - Beginning to Program with Python |
Week 6 Overview: Variables, Expressions, and Statements |
9/30 |
10/2 |
Finish POGIL 1 and start POGIL 2 |
Read assigned readings from chapter 2 |
10/4 |
Wrapping up the week |
Practice Materials |
Week 7 Overview: Working with IPO Problems |
10/7 |
Getting started with IPO Scripts |
Read assigned readings from chapter 3
How to use Autolab (Video) |
10/9 |
Pair Programming Activity |
Practice Materials |
10/11 |
Code walkthroughs from PP |
Graded Programs Set 2.1 |
Week 8 Overview: Conditional Execution |
10/14 |
Read assigned readings from chapter 4 |
10/16 |
How to write conditionals |
Practice Materials |
10/18 |
Paired Programming |
Graded Programs Set 2.2 |
Week 9 Overview: Converting existing code to functions |
10/21 |
CD #2 [Study Guide] |
Read assigned readings from chapter 5 |
10/23 |
Writing Functions |
Practice Materials |
10/25 |
Paired Programming |
Graded Programs Set 2.3 |
Week 10 Overview: Writing new functions |
10/28 |
More with writing functions |
10/30 |
Paired Programming |
Practice Materials
Graded Programs Set 2.4 |
11/1 |
CD #3 [Study Guide] |
Unit 3 - Data Analysis with Python |
Week 11 Overview: for and while loops |
11/4 |
Lesson1 - Counting Loops |
Read assigned readings from chapter 6 |
11/6 |
Lesson2 - While loops |
11/8 |
Paired Programming |
Pair Programming Answers
Graded Programs Set 3.1 |
Week 12 Overview: Strings and Lists |
11/11 |
Lesson on Strings |
Read assigned readings from Chapter 7 |
11/13 |
Lesson on Lists |
Read assigned readings from Chapter 9 |
11/15 |
Paired Programming |
Graded Programs Set 3.2 |
Week 13 Overview: File I/O |
11/18 |
Reading from files |
Read assigned readings from chapter 8 |
11/20 |
Writing to files |
11/22 |
CD #4 [Study Guide] |
Week 14 Overview: Continuing with File I/O |
12/2 |
Lesson Bob Ross |
Pair Programming - For additional practice
Pair Programming Answers
Graded Program Set 3.3 |
12/4 |
Lesson Penny Math |
12/6 |
Lesson Dollar Words |
Graded Program Set 3.4 |
Week15 : Wrap-up |
12/9 |
Decoding the Final Study Guide |
12/11 |
Pair Programming |
12/13 |
Prep for the final (optional) |
12/17 |
Final Exam, 10:00-11:50 - Our classroom |