Section 10.3 and 10.4

I will be at a CS Education conference today and Friday. In order to keep you moving forward I have prepared the following materials to give you some practice opportunities with video explanations from me if you are having troubles.

Before you begin, make sure you have read sections 10.3 and 10.4 in your textbook

Activity 1

Student ID numbers at UNI are six consecutive digits.

  1. How many total ID numbers are possible?
  2. How many of those consist of all the same digit?
  3. How many of those consist of exactly five consecutive “same” digits (such as 122222)?



Activity 2

  1. A frozen yogurt shop allows you to choose:
    • one base flavor (vanilla, strawberry, lemon, cherry, or peach)
    • one topping (chocolate shavings, crushed toffee, or crushed peanuts)
    • one condiment (whipped cream or shredded coconut)
    How many different desserts are there assuming you must take one from each category?
  2. In exercise 1, how many dessert choices do you have if you are allergic to strawberries and chocolate?
  3. A video game is begun by making selections from each of 3 menus. The first menu (number of players) has 4 selections, the second menu (level of play) has 8 selections, and the third menus (speed) has 6. In how many configurations can the game be played?
  4. A multiple choice exam as 20 questions, each with 4 possible answers and 10 additional questions, each with 5 possible answers. how many different answer sheets are there?
  5. A user's password to access a computer system consists of 3 upper case letters followed by 2 digits. How many different passwords are possible?
  6. If the computer system of exercise 5 can differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters, how many passwords are possible?






Activity 3

Calculate the value of:

  1. P(7,3)
  2. P(10,5)
  3. P(6,5)
  4. P(6,6)
  5. P(n,3)
  6. P(n,n-3)



Activity 4

We are going to elect a "student council" from the members of our class (24 total students).

  1. In how many ways can we pick a President, Vice President, and Secretary?
  2. In how many ways can we do this PLUS pick a Treasurer and “Sergeant at Arms”