Non-Graded Activity
Exploring other forms of Interaction

This activity doesn't actually involve programming. Instead, it is just a reflection activity to get you to think about games

One good way to get a feel for all the different ways that things can be done is to look at a bunch of existing programs and see how they work - to answer the question “how did they (the programmers) do that?” In this activity you won't be creating any code yourself. Instead you will be looking at several existing programs and answering both broad and specific questions about how certain things were accomplished in the code.

Assignment Specifics

One at a time look at the following programs. For each of the programs consider five common questions and then any game specific questions.

Code Sample #1_Kaleidoscope 

Common Questions:

Game Specific Questions:

Code Sample #2_mazerbot 

Common Questions:

Game Specific Questions:

Code Sample #3_Pong 

Common Questions:

Game Specific Questions:

Code Sample #4_FortuneTeller 

Common Questions:

Game Specific Questions:

Code Sample #5_TalkingPicture 

Common Questions:

Game Specific Questions: