Final Competency Demo, part B

The goal of this activity is to allow each student to demonstrate her/his learning and and understanding of this course with respect to programming.

Your task is to respond to each of the items provided below. I recommend that you review course activities and material to determine whether/how it applies to the items.


The Items

Note: This is four very distinct questions and you should give each the time and effort necessary to reflect a semester's worth of learning.



The final CD is due Friday, May 12 by 11:59 PM.  You should submit using the appropriate link on Blackboard.

If you have questions, please contact me.



Your responses will be evaluated primarily on whether they included a reasonable number of elements in a manner that illustrates understanding and appropriate application of ideas. Correct/appropriate understanding of course material will also be assessed as will general communication (spelling, grammar, sentence formation, paragraph formation, etc.). The following overall rubric will be used.

4 pts = Good to Excellent 3 pts = Okay to Good 2 pts = Marginal 1 pts = Lacking
All of the following apply:
  • Reasonable number of ideas
  • All ideas appropriate to topic
  • All ideas correctly understood
  • Few, if any, issues with/in communication
One or two of the following apply:
  • Too few ideas were included
  • Some idea not appropriate to topic
  • Some idea not correctly understood
  • Noticeable number of issues with/in communication
Three or four of the following apply:
  • Too few ideas were included
  • Some idea not appropriate to topic
  • Some idea not correctly understood
  • Noticeable number of issues with/in communication
Two or more of the following apply:
  • Few ideas were included
  • Multiple ideas not appropriate to topic
  • Multiple ideas not correctly understood
  • Communication was problematic