Topic 11b
Agents that Reason/Search

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this topic students should be able to:

  • Define and provide examples for foundational vocabulary terms including:
    • Production System
    • State
    • Production (aka “actions”)
    • Children
    • State Space
    • Search Tree
    • breadth-first search
    • depth-first search
    • best-first search
    • A* search
  • Given a simple search problem and a particular node in the search space for that problem, identify the children that can be generated.
  • Given a simple search problem, generate the search tree using:
    • breadth-first search
    • depth-first search
  • Given a simple search problem and an appropriate heuristic, generate the search tree using:
    • best-first search


Learning Materials

Checking for Understanding

Consider the following problems


Additional Guidance

  • NA

Further Information

On page 583 your book talks about the A* algorithm. Of all of the search techniques, this is the only one guaranteed to find the optimal path. While the implementation of the A* isn't a part of the Learning Outcomes for this course, in the end, the algorithm isn't that difficult to understand. If you would like to know more about A* you can use the materials below.

In this Topic we focus on traditional search. Game-Playing is often viewed as a modification of traditional search. This one of the Learning Outcomes for this course. But you might find it interesting: