Programming - Super Bowl Ads


We are only two weeks away from the Super Bowl Sunday. Even if you aren't a big football fan it is quite possible that you are looking forward to the big day (Sunday, February 13th) because for many people it's a chance to have a big party, watch the game, the half-time show, and the commercials!

The journalists at FiveThirtyEight spent time analyzing the kinds of ads run by the 10 brands that frequently advertised at the between 2000 and 2020. Those companies are:

In particular, they were interested in the specfic tone/content of Super Bowl ads. For each ad they recorded attributes of the commercial such as:


Suppose that we want to know which pair of features are most often used together? It is funny animals? Is it sexy patriots? Is it celebrities in danger?


In class materials

You will need the following data file



You have been assigned a partner with whom you should complete this paired programming assignment. Note this partner is different from the people you met with for your small group last week.

For this week's activity I want the two of you to schedule one or two sessions together (whatever it takes) to write a program that will determine which pair of attributes most commonly occured together. I am not going to have you give this any specific name or any specific format for the results. I just want you to write a program that uses a data file similar to the one above and returns the information about which PAIR of elements most often appear together.

I suggest you use Zoom or Google Meetup or whatever collaboration software you prefer. One of you should be the main programmer who is responsible for the code. The other person should be the "driver." This person is telling the programmer what to write. Both partners are responsible for understanding the code that you are writing so you should frequentely be discussing why you are doing what you are doing.


I suggest that you work on this an initial for 30-45 minutes to really chew apart the problem. In my undergraduate class I explained the problem on Monday and then gave them the whole period to work with their partner. I then asked them to go home and THINK about the problem for two days but not actually write any code. NO CODE can be written unless both people are working together.

Today in class I asked them to talk about their process so far and what was giving them trouble. Based on this (and I knew what they would say) we started to talk about "incremental development" and what that might mean in this problem. Suddenly their eyes lit up as they realized what was going wrong with their first attempt:

Now, they are in the middle of another 45 minutes of work time to try and solve this.



Please name your submission:

replacing the number sign with your group number.


You should make EVERY effort to complete this by the end of the day on Saturday, February 5th. Be sure to submit your work (in whatever state) by the deadline.  Because this work is used in the next step of the course it is essential that you are not late [obviously, if something comes up you should submit what you can but reach out to me ASAP].

Only one member of your team needs to submit this deliverable to the Google Drive