Programming - Super Bowl Ads

Code Review


I asked you to work with a partner to write a program that SHOULD have found out that the most common pair of attributes in Super Bowl commercials is "shows the product quickly" and "funny." Hopefully you and your partner were able to get this to work.

For this activity I would like you to look at the code that the OTHER two teams produced. In particular, I want you to:

  1. look for things that you all had in common (if anything)
  2. look for places where one or more teams tried an approach that was quite different from what the others were trying (if anything)
  3. related to #2, did either of the groups do something you never would have thought about (versus doing something you and your partner discussed but discarded)
  4. Finally, which of the three programs do you think is the easiest to read/understand?


If you were really stumped on this activity here is a link to the code-walkthrough session we conducted in the class with my pre-service undergrads. It contains their code as well as a 40 minute video where we discuss their solutions AND mine.



For this particular deliverable you may EITHER work with your partner (encouraged) to create a single document for the both of you OR you may each work separately and create your own output. [I think there is real benefit of finding 45 minutes to walk through this with your partner because you have the benefit of talking about it and discussing if you both see/understand the other groups' code the same way. However, I recognize that scheduling team work is challenging so I don't require it].

Please name your submission either:

Depending on whether you worked with your teammate or as an individual

I recognize that you are doing this while also moving on with material for week #3. So I would ask that you submit this no later than Friday, February 11)

Submit this deliverable to the Google Drive