Readings and Reflection 1.2 - Concept Maps

[Suggested due date is Thursday, February 10]

In Reflection 1.1 you began to identify the different topics and skills that are important in computer programming. While that list is probably helpful on it's own, one thing that is really important is to understand how the different topics and skills relate to each other as concepts. In this activity you will be looking at building a Concept Map for the items you identified in Reflection 1.1



In chapter 3 of the Teaching Tech together book (a chapter you read in Unit 0) you saw the use of concept maps. To get started with this activity I want you to read a little bit about the idea of concept maps.



For this activity I would like you to create a concept map based on the items you identified in Reflection 1.1. While I don't think there are definitive right answers I do think there are some fairly definite wrong answers/connections. Make a real effort to give this serious thought. But don't nitpick and worry to death about the details. Give it your best shot and come to class prepared to talk about this with your classmates.

Note, this is probably most easily done paper/pencil (although you are welcome to use any computer based tool you might be familiar with if that helps YOU).



I will not be checking this in to my gradebook. But I do want you to be able to share this with your small group. Therefore, I encourage you to scan your concept map and give the file the name


And share to the appropriate folder in our shared Google Drive