Small Group 2.2 - A collective Code Primer

[Due by the end of the day on Friday, March 11]

The Deliverable

I would like you to create a group based Good Code Primer.

This will BEGIN as a simple merging of your team member's individual primers.  In class I will give you time to discuss what you each individually wrote and to merge everything in to a single document that reflect's your group's consensus of what makes good code.  In some ways this is easy.  It is simply bringing your different lists together and merging in to one document.  However, it likely isn't that easy.  Because you are likely to have some similar underlying ideas but you may disagree with the actual implementation/product from that idea.  So take some time to merge your feelings into a single, clear, well-written, document that you think a student could use to understand "good" code vs. "bad" code.

I have created a (blank) document for you to use.  This is in the shared Google Drive folder under Unit 2 and then Code Primer




While the evaluation of this is on a binary scale (completed or not completed) the criteria for "completed" will include: