Week 13 - Online Programming Resources

This week is designed to give you an opportunity to explore some online programming resources that you might be able to use in your classroom. I would like you to explore three of these resources as listed below. I would also like you to identify a fourth resource that fits what you know and could use. Send me information about this resource and I will add it to this page.



For those of you who maybe aren't particularly familiar with Code.org, they are an organization that produces free curriculum and teaching resources. These run the full range from elementary school all the way up through high school materials including the CS Principles (with or without AP credit) and the recently announced AP CS-A.


Runestone Academy

Runestone Academy provides FREE and open source textbooks. They do this all within a framework providing interactive programming environments. They are an incredible resource you should know about.

Coding Rooms

Coding Rooms describes itself as a Learning Management System built specifically for learning to program. I am actually giving serious thought to using it for the FOP course next with the next cohort. For a variety or reaons I will list below. I have set up a default course at the moment with no real personalization for my style of teaching. But you can get access to the basics by joining using:


Once you get access poke around at the list of sections on the left hand side and see what is what. Notice that this is NOT a textbook but a place where students can work on skills they have already been working on in class.

I like it for several reasons:


What resources do YOU think are worth sharing?

What haven't I lised here that you think should be on my list for your classmates and future courses? PLEASE email me at least one additional resource that should go on this page.


Student submitted Resources

Kryie McDonald

1.)  I had to submit my 4 year plan for computer science, and also buy materials for the curriculum.  Thus, I found a resource completed by Massachusetts state that looks at several curriculums from Kindergarten to High School.  It then states what standards are met according to CSS and provides links, costs, and descriptions of programs all in one location.  It is safe to say that I loved finding this document when I was making my decisions, especially since I was new and did not know all the resources out there.  I believe I have looked at everything once just because I wanted to make good decisions.  As a result, I have now made a four year plan for CS that I believe will be successful.

Here is the link: https://www.doe.mass.edu/stem/dlcs/curriculum-guide.pdf

2.). I have a middle school exploratory class, and for two weeks I incorporate a microchip in their instruction.  It is by far their most favorite activity for this class.  As it lights up, makes loud noises, communicates with other chips, and is just all around cool.  In order to code the chip, and because I did not know what program to have them write, I turned to the following webpage: 

This website provides all sorts of ideas where students use the microchips in simulations and to create fun games.  It combines MakerSpace with the microchip.  Students absolutely loved everything, but the magic 8 ball was the biggest hit.

Additional notes:  Micro-bit microchips are pretty cheap.  Around $20 each, so this is affordable for schools, plus curriculum is free.

A second microchip I use comes with the code.org curriculum.  It has the same effect on students, super fun, but trust me you might get tired of all the loud buzzing!  It is the adafruit express microchip.  You can code this chip for high schoolers through code.org's website (unit 6 of Discoveries)  OR, if you have younger kids, go to: https://makecode.adafruit.com/.  This operates much like the makecode of the micro-bit, but for the express chip instead.

3.). A curriculum that I plan to integrate with my 6th grade exploratory for next year are...

Both of the above curriculum will excite students about learning computer science and are relevant to their interests, plus are fun.

Michelle Fay

Another resource I have been looking at and will probably use is codehs.com This could be a student paced resource because all the information they need is included in the lessons. They have videos, worksheets, readings, coding right on the website, and students can check their code when finished or as they go. This site has a lot of different options such as Java, JavaScript, Python, Karel, HTML, SQL, C++ and more. I have not looked too far into most of them but I did look at the HTML/CSS lessons for a web page design class. It is also free which is wonderful!!!!!

Deb Snyder

So, a resource that I have started looking into is Code Academy (https://www.codecademy.com). I started looking at it because we did a college visit to the University of Iowa with my son and this was something that the Physics and Astronomy teachers indicated that they used with their students. I haven't had a chance to dig too deeply into it, but it looks like it has projects and coding materials for a lot of different languages.

Charles Bare

While reading through the "Hello World, The Big Book of Computing Pedagogy" I came across the BBC Micro:bit. I was interested because this looked like another option to the Arduino or Raspberry Pi. The Adeept website has a lot of resources that can be used when programming. What I really like about it is that from the learn tab on adeept.com you can pick from different programming platforms and languages. The modules for the BBC Micro:bit shows examples of both block style programming and Python side by side. I know working through the modules would help students read both and keep students engaged. The only problem is that the Micro:bit hardware is hard to find right now. The program examples would still be useful when having students work on reading code.  

Ryan Bowman


Tess Roseburrough

This acts as a reference guide (history, explanation,etc.) and has practice tutorials for many different languages--I'm not sure if there are better websites, but I bookmarked it at some point and have been meaning to go through it.

You may be aware of this one. I have used this website a lot for tutorials, examples, simple explanations for web dev courses--mostly for SQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but I see that they have Python as well. I'm not sure how good it is for Python, but this site is generally pretty comprehensive.

Codeacademy is improving its school-friendly resources. I can't log in as a teacher because I don't have a school at this time, but I have found the free resources to be useful for me personally. It's tough to monitor student progress directly, but the website is great for beginners, as I'm sure you're probably aware.

It would be worthwhile for us to look into Github's educational resources seeing as many professionals use this. This would probably be good for students looking into programming more seriously--like for college or intern prep from what I have access to as a nontraditional student, but it looks like they have more in-depth stuff for teachers in a school system.

You probably know about this, and it's probably a bit too advanced for most of us and our students--but it's good to know it exists if you have some really good students.

Many boot camp companies offer free workshops, but this is one company that has a good reputation in the states. This source would be more for teachers looking to dabble or improve, maybe a model for a subject, or for something to give students in a supplementary context. They also have something called Free Code Fridays.
This is the company that I studied with and their free webinars are quite good also:

This website is more for sourcing pictures and creating presentations and is not directly related to CS--but if we are serious about sourcing and respecting IP this is a great website and also helps support real photographers.