Research - Dr. J. Ben Schafer
- Diesburg, S., Schafer, J.B., and Morrison, B. (2025) “Curriculum for a Comprehensive Statewide In-Service CS Teacher Training Program” Proceedings of ACM SIGCSE TS 2025.
- Edwards, S.H, Largent, D.L., and Schafer, J.B. (2024) “Developing a Playbook of Equitable Grading Practices” Proceedings of ACM SIGCSE Virtual 2024.
- Schafer, J.B. and Rogers, C. (2024) “Using the Big Book of Computing Pedagogy” HelloWorld. Vol 23, Spring 2024. Raspberry PI Foundation, London, England.
- Schafer, J.B. (2022) "Understanding Animations in Scratch" POGIL Activity Clearinghouse. Vol 3, No. 4. December 2022.
- Schafer, J.B. (2022) "Coordinating Sprites to Tell Stories" POGIL Activity Clearinghouse. Vol 3, No. 4. December 2022.
- Schafer, J.B. (2022) "Exploring the Use of Events in Storytelling" POGIL Activity Clearinghouse. Vol 3, No. 4. December 2022.
- Schafer, J.B. (2022) "Text-based I/O and Variables in Scratch" POGIL Activity Clearinghouse. Vol 3, No. 4. December 2022.
- Schafer, J.B. (2022) "Conditionals in Scratch" POGIL Activity Clearinghouse. Vol 3, No. 4. December 2022.
- Berns, A., East, J.P., and Schafer, J.B. (2022) "How We Have Applied Grading for Equity: An Experience Report" Proceedings of the 54th Annual Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium, Milwaukee, WI. April 1-2, 2022.
- East, J.P. and Schafer, J.B. (2022) "Developing a CS Teacher Prep Program" Proceedings of the 54th Annual Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium, Milwaukee, WI. April 1-2, 2022.
- Schafer, J.B. and East, J.P., "Creating a High Quality, High Impact CS Teacher Prep Program" SIGCSE TS 2022, Providence, Rhode Island.
- Carberry, A., Klassner, F., Schafer, J.B., and Varnado, T. (2014) "The Efficacy of LEGO Products in the Classroom: A Literature Review" A white-paper written for LEGO Education, Inc.
- Schafer, J.B. and Hughes, S., (2012), "Student-Owned Devices for Classroom-wide Communication and Collaboration," Proceedings of the 45th Annual MICS Symposium. [Peer Reviewed Abstracts. 90% acceptance rate].
- Schafer, J.B. and Hughes, S., (2012), "A Customizable Platform for Classroom Collaboration Using Mobile Devices" Poster Session Presentation, SIGCSE 2012, March 1st-3rd, 2012, Raleigh, NC. [30% acceptance rate]
- Schafer, J.B., (2008), "The Application of Data-Mining to Recommender Systems," Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, 2nd edition, Wang, J. (Editor). Information Science Publishing.
- Manaris, B., Wainer, M., Barnes, J., Kirkpatrick, A., Schafer, J.B., Shannon, C., and Wright, J. (2007) "Incorporating HCI into the Computer Science Curriculum: Bloom’s Taxonomy Meets the CC’01 Curricular Guidelines" Accepted for publication in The Journal of Computer Science Education.
- Schafer, J.B., Frankowski, D., Herlocker, J., and Sen, S. (2007), "Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems," appears in The Adaptive Web, Springer Verlag. [Link to Springer-Verlag Content Link system]
- Schafer, J.B., Konstan, J.A., and Riedl, J. (2006), "Recommender Systems for the Web." Chapter 6 of Visualizing the Semantic Web, 2nd edition, Geroimenko, V., and Chen, C. editors. Springer Verlag.
- Schafer, J.B., (2005), "The Integration of the Software Studio Approach into the Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum," Proceedings of the 28th Annual MICS Symposium. [PDF].
- Schafer, J.B., (2005), "The Application of Data-Mining to Recommender Systems," in Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, Wang, J. (Editor). Information Science Publishing. [PDF of pre-publication version].
- East, J.P., and Schafer, J.B (2005), "In-Person Grading : An Evaluative Experiment," Proceedings of the 2005 ACM Conference of the Special Interest Group, Computer Science Education (SIGCSE-05). [PDF].
- Schafer, J.B. (2005) "DynamicLens: A Dynamic User-Interface for A Meta-Recommendation System." Accepted for publication as part of "Beyond Personalization 2005: A Workshop on the Next Stage of Recommender Systems Research" at the ACM Intelligent User Interfaces. [PDF]
- Schafer, J.B., Konstan, J.A., and Riedl, J. (2004), "The View through MetaLens: Usage Patterns for a Meta-Recommendation System," IEE Proceedings Software, Vol. 151, No. 6, December 2004, pp 267-279. IEE Publishing. [PDF of pre-publication version].
- Schafer, J.B., (2004), "Hands-on Artificial Intelligence Education using the LEGO Mindstorms: Lessons Learned," Proceedings of the 27th Annual MICS Symposium. [PDF].
- Schafer, J.B., Konstan, J.A., and Riedl, J. (2002), "Meta-recommender Systems: User-controlled Integration of Diverse Recommendations," Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM-02). [PDF].
- Schafer, J.B., Konstan, J.A., and Riedl, J. (2001), "E-Commerce Recommender Applications," Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol 5 nos.1/2, pp 115-152. (Also appeared as a chapter in Kohavi and Provost (editors) (2001), Applications of Data Mining to Electronic Commerce,Kluwer Academic Publishers.) [PDF]
- Schafer, J.B., MetaLens: A Framework for Multisource Recommendations, Ph.D. Thesis. [PDF]
- Schafer, J.B., Konstan, J.A., and Riedl, J. (1999), "Recommender Systems in Electronic Commerce," Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC-99). [PDF].
- Good, N., Schafer, J.B., Konstan, J.A., Borchers, A., Sarwar, B., Herlocker, J., and Riedl, J. (1999), "Combining Collaborative Filtering with Personal Agents for Better Recommendations," Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI99). [PDF].
- Schafer, J.B., Good, N. (1999), "Talk to my Agents: Research Issues in Combining Information Filtering Agents with Collaborative Filtering," Position Paper for Ch'99 Workshop: Interacting with Recommender Systems (CHI99). [PDF]
- Gustafson, T., Schafer, J.B., and Konstan, J.A (1998), "Agents in Their Midst: Evaluating User Adaptation to Agent Assisted Software," Proceedings of the Eighth Intelligent User Interfaces Conference (IUI98), pp 163-170. [PDF].
- Schafer, J.B. (1992), "Fractal Geometry: A General Overview," The Pentagon, Vol. 51 (2), pp 3-16.
With Students
- Bardell, C, Hughes, S. and Schafer, J.B. (2013) "Human Performance with Multiple Devices Influencing a Single Cursor." Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 57th Annual Meeting, September 30-October 4th, 2013, San Diego, CA [65% acceptance rate for the paper’s track.]
- Mangel, A., Preston, A., Schafer, J.B. and Hughes, S., (2012), "Architecture Design to Support a Smartphone-based Student Response System," Proceedings of the 45th Annual MICS Symposium. [Faculty Advisor for Student Paper. Peer Reviewed Abstract].
- Frederick, N., O’Kane, K., Schafer, J.B., (2004), "What’s the Score?: Converting Textual Reviews to Numerical Scores in the Domain of Movies," Proceedings of the 27th Annual MICS Symposium.