TITLE: Getting Back to the Usual AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: November 08, 2005 6:54 PM DESC: ----- BODY: I haven't written about running for a while. Some of my friends were getting worried... Had my TC Marathon experience soured me? Not at all. But I haven't been training for a race, or running with any particular purpose in mind, so there hasn't been much to say. I've just been running. The first few weeks after any marathon are filled with the body recovering, so some days feel great and others feel just OK. That pretty much sums up my weeks since Twin Cities. While in San Diego for OOPSLA, I wasn't able to do any fancy-dancy running, as the friend who was going to be my running guide was sick. (Get better, Kris!) So I took advantage of our location just south of Fashion Valley Shopping Center to jog up to Friars Road and use it as my main artery. One day, I ran to the campus of University of San Diego; a couple of other times, I ran to Jack Murphy Stadium, and once I ran out past Sea World and over the beachfront bridge that spans the San Diego River. Friars Road worked about as well as any major urban street could for morning runs. For the week, I put in well over 30 miles; not bad for such a busy conference week... (There is hidden advantage of attending conferences on the west coast -- I just keep rising on Iowa time!) I've now done a couple of 12-milers and 14-miler, so my distance is doing fine. My long speed is coming back slowly, and I've comfortably managed a couple of long routes at 8.5 minutes/mile pace. This morning was my finest fast run yet. I ran one of my standard short routes, 5.5 miles, with the intention of getting done and getting to my office earlier to grade and prep class. And get done fast I did -- in 40:52, more than 15 seconds faster than I've ever run this route. My legs were a bit sore this morning, but it was the kind of soreness that I look forward to! Now I am getting excited about running the Snow Shuffle 5K on December 10. It's tough to PR races in the cold of December, and there is always the chance of snow or ice or fierce wind. So I won't plan for anything other than running as fast as the conditions allow. But the thought of racing, however short, sounds good again. -----