TITLE: Another Year of Blogging in the Books AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: July 09, 2006 3:40 PM DESC: ----- BODY: I haven't written an entry about my blog in a while, but I hope you'll indulge me today. This is the 377th entry in my blog. I posted the first on July 9 two years ago. This second year has seen considerably less activity than the first, in which I posted 225 entries. But I've still managed a dozen or so entries per month in 2005-2006 -- though the content of my postings looks a bit different in the second year as well. In Year 1, my writing seemed driven by thoughts of agile software development and especially connections I was making between agile ideas and my training for the Des Moines Marathon. My initial readership came largely from folks interested in agile development, and sometimes those interested in how I was trying to teach those ideas in a senior-level seminar. Near the end of my first year I took on a three-year assignment as head of my department. I had thought that this would result in frequent writing about management and leadership, as I tried to figure out how to do them. But most of my entries have been about topics at the intersection of my headship and my teaching, the future of computer science at the university and the teaching of introductory CS courses. Why I have not written more frequently about the administrative and management sides of my job is worthy of its own entry in the future, but the short answer is that I have not yet managed to consolidate my learning in this area yet. OOPSLA was again a primary source of inspiration, as was SIGCSE. And I still have a lot to say about my running, even if only the wild thoughts that pop into my head while deep in a 16-miler. I think the entry from this year that elicited the most response was my report on a lecture by Thomas Friedman. In retrospect, I'm not sure if I have a favorite post from the year, though I recall articles on negative splits in learning, Robert Hass's OOPSLA keynote on creativity, and talks by Marcia Bjornerud on popular science writing and my friend Roy Behrens on teaching as "subversive inactivity" with fondness. (Does a particular article or theme stand out in your mind?) After all this time, I still haven't followed through with allowing comments or posting links to some of my favorite blogs. The comments are problematic, given the low-tech blogging tool I use, NanoBlogger. With some time and patience, they are doable, but the opportunity cost of that time seems inordinately high. But I may move from NanoBlogger soon, for a variety of technical reasons (long, unmeaningful entry names and slowness processing a blog with 300+ entries among them), so who knows. I can add a blogroll of sorts with minimal effort, and I can only plead inordinate laziness as my excuse. Soon. On my one-year anniversary, I wrote a brief reflection and wondered what a second year of Knowing and Doing would bring. I love the quotes I used there, from Annie Dillard's "The Writing Life" and Glenway Wescott's "The Pilgrim Hawk". They remain true for me today and express something of why I will continue to write here. Thanks to all you who read my ramblings. Thanks, too, to all of you who send me short notes when a post strikes a chord with you, or when you have something to share. You've taught me much. I hope to make the time you spend reading in the coming year worth your while. -----