TITLE: Catch What You're Thrown AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: December 05, 2007 2:42 PM DESC: ----- BODY: Context     You are in an Interactive Performance, perhaps a play, using Scripted Dialogue. Problem     The performer speaking before you delivers a line incorrectly. The new line does not change the substance of the play, but it interrupts the linguistic flow. Example     Instead of saying "until the first of the year", the performer says as "for the rest of the year". Forces     You know your lines and want to deliver them correctly. The author wrote the dialogue with a purpose in mind. Delivering the line as you memorized it is the safest way for you to proceed, and also the safest route back on track. BUT...     Delivering the scripted line will call attention to the error. This may disconcert your partner. It will also break the mood for the audience. So:     Adapt your line to the set up. Respond in a way that is seamless to the audience, retains the key message of the story, and gets the dialogue back on track. That is, catch what you are thrown. Example     Change your line to say "for the rest of the year?" instead of "until the first of the year?" Related Patterns     If the performer speaking before you misses a line entirely, or gets off the track of the Scripted Dialogue, deliver a Redirecting Line. ---- Postscript: This category of my blog is intended for software patterns and discussion thereof, but this is a pattern I just learned and felt a strong desire to right. I may well try to write Redirecting Line and maybe even the higher-level Scripted Dialogue and Interactive Performance patterns, if the mood strikes me and the time is available. I never thought of pattern language of performance when I signed on for this gig... And just so you know, I was the performer who mis-delivered his line in the example given above, where I first encountered Catch What You're Thrown. -----