TITLE: Meta-Blog: Follow-Up to My Adele Goldberg Entry AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: March 24, 2009 3:45 PM DESC: ----- BODY: When I was first asked to consider writing a blog piece for the Ada Lovelace Day challenge, I wasn't sure I wanted to. I don't usually blog with any particular agenda; I just write whatever is in my mind at the time, itching to get out. This was surely a topic I have thought and written about before, and it's one that I have worked on with people at my university and across the state. I think it is in the best interest of computer science to be sure that we are not missing out on great minds who might be self-selecting away from the discipline for the wrong reasons. So I said yes. Soon afterwards, ACM announced Barbara Liskov as the winner of the Turing Award. I had written about Fran Allen when she won the Turing Award, and here was another female researcher in programming languages whose work I have long admired. I think the Liskov Substitution Principle is one of the great ideas in software development, a crucial feature of object-oriented programming, of any kind of programming, really. I make a variant of the LSP the centerpiece of my undergraduate courses on OOP. But Liskov has done more -- CLU and encapsulation, Thor and object-oriented databases, the idea of Byzantine fault tolerance in distributed computing, ... It was a perfect fit for the challenge. But my first thought, Adele Goldberg, would not leave me. That thought grew out of my long love affair with Smalltalk, to which she contributed, and out of a memory I have from my second OOPSLA Educators' Symposium, where she gave a talk on learning environments, programming, and language. Goldberg isn't a typical academic Ph.D.; she is versatile, having worked in technical research, applications, and business. She has made technical contributions and contributions to teaching and learning. She helped found companies. In the end, that's the piece I wanted to write. So, if my entry on Goldberg sounds stilted or awkward, please cut me a little slack. I don't write on assigned topics much any more, at least not in my blog. I should probably have set aside more time to write that entry, but I wrote it much as I might write any other entry. If nothing else, I hope you can find value in the link to her Personal Dynamic Media article, which I was so happy to find on-line. At this point, one other person has written about Goldberg for the Lovelace Day challenge. That entry has links to a couple of videos, including one of Adele demonstrating a WIMP interface using an early implementation of Smalltalk. A nice piece of history. Mark Guzial mentions Adele in his Lovelace Day essay, but he wrote about three women closer to home. One of his subjects is Janet Kolodner, who did groundbreaking research on case-based reasoning that was essential to my own graduate work. I'm a fan! -----