TITLE: A Few Days at JRubyConf AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: May 22, 2012 7:53 PM DESC: ----- BODY: It's been fourteen months since I last attended a conference. I decided to celebrate the end of the year, the end of my compiler course, and the prospect of writing a little code this summer by attending JRubyConf 2012. I've programmed a fair amount in Ruby but have only recently begun to play with JRuby, an implementation of Ruby in Java which runs atop the JVM. There are some nice advantages to this, including the ability to use Java graphics with Ruby models and the ability to do real concurrency. It also offers me a nice combination for the summer. I will be teaching our sophomore-level intermediate computing course this fall, which focuses in large part on OO design and Java implementation, as JRuby will let me program in Ruby while doing a little class prep at the same time.
the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis
Conference organizer Nick Sieger opened the event with the obligatory welcome remarks. He said that he thinks the overriding theme of JRubyConf is being a bridge. This is perhaps a natural effect of Minneapolis, a city of many bridges, as the hometown of JRuby, its lead devs, and the conference. The image above is of the Stone Arch Bridge, as seen from the ninth level of the famed Guthrie Center, the conference venue. (The yellow tint is from the window itself.) The goal for the conference is to be a bridge connecting people to technologies. But it also aims to be a bridge among people, promoting what Sieger called "a more sensitive way of doing business". Emblematic of this goal were its Sunday workshop, a Kids CodeCamp, and its Monday workshop, Railsbridge. This is my first open-source conference, and when I look around I see the issue that so many people talk about. Of 150 or so attendees, there must be fewer than one dozen women and fewer than five African-Americans. The computing world certainly has room to make more and better connections into the world. My next few entries will cover some of the things I learn at the conference. I start with a smile on my face, because the conference organizers gave me a cookie when I checked in this morning:
the sugar cookie JRubyConf gave me at check-in
That seems like a nice way to say 'hello' to a newcomer. -----