TITLE: How Should We Teach Algebra in 2012? AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: August 03, 2012 3:23 PM DESC: ----- BODY: Earlier this week, Dan Meyer took to task a New York Times opinion piece from the weekend, Is Algebra Necessary?:
The interesting question isn't, "Should every high school graduate in the US have to take Algebra?" Our world is increasingly automated and programmed and if you want any kind of active participation in that world, you're going to need to understand variable representation and manipulation. That's Algebra. Without it, you'll still be able to clothe and feed yourself, but that's a pretty low bar for an education. The more interesting question is, "How should we define Algebra in 2012 and how should we teach it?" Those questions don't even seem to be on Hacker's radar.
"Variable representation and manipulation" is a big part of programming, too. The connection between algebra and programming isn't accidental. Matthias Felleisen won the ACM's Outstanding Educator Award in 2010 for his long-term TeachScheme! project, which has now evolved into Program by Design. In his SIGCSE 2011 keynote address, Felleisen talked about the importance of a smooth progression of teaching languages. Another thing he said in that talk stuck with me. While talking about the programming that students learned, he argued that this material could be taught in high school right now, without displacing as much material as most people think. Why? Because "This is algebra." Algebra in 2012 still rests fundamentally on variable representation and manipulation. How should we teach it? I agree with Felleisen. Programming. -----