TITLE: The Special Case Object Pattern in "Confident Ruby" AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: April 21, 2014 2:45 PM DESC: ----- BODY: I haven't had a chance to pick up a copy of Avdi Grimm's new book, Confident Ruby, yet. I did buzz by the book's Pragmatic Programmers page, where I was able to pick up a sample chapter or two for elliptical reading. The chapter "Represent special cases as objects" was my first look. This chapter and the "Represent do-nothing cases as null objects" chapter that follows deal with situations in which our program is missing a kind of object. The result is code that has too many responsibilities because there is no object charged with handling them. The chapter on do-nothing cases is @avdi's re-telling of the Null Object pattern. Bobby Woolf workshopped his seminal write-up of this pattern at PLoP 1996 (the first patterns conference I attended) and later published an improved version in the fourth Pattern Languages of Program Design book. I had the great pleasure to correspond with Bobby as he wrote his original paper and to share a few ideas about the pattern. @avdi's special cases chapter is a great addition to the literature. It shows several different ways in which our code can call out for a special case object in place of a null reference. It then shows how creating a new kind of object can make our code better in each case, giving concrete examples written in Ruby, in the context of processing input to a web app. I was discussing the pattern and the chapter with a student, who asked a question about this example:
    if current_user
This is the only example in which the if check is not eliminated after introducing the special case object, an instance of the new class, GuestUser. Instead, @avdi adds an authenticated? to the User and GuestUser classes, has them return true and false respectively, and then changes the original expression to:
    if current_user.authenticated?
As the chapter tells us, using the authenticated? predicate makes the conditional statement express the programmer's intent more clearly. But it also says that "we can't get rid of the conditional". My student asked, "Why not?" Of course we can. The question is whether we want to. (I have a hard time using words like "cannot", "never", and "always", because I can usually imagine an exception to the absolute...) In this case, there is a lingering smell in the code that uses the special case object: authenticated? is a surrogate for type check. Indeed, it behaves just like a query to find the object's class so that we can tailor our behavior to receiver's type. That's just the sort of thing we don't have to do in an OO program. The standard remedy for this code smell is to push the behavior into the classes and send the object, whatever its type, a message. Rather ask a user if it is authenticated so that we can render the correct button, we might ask it to render the correct button itself:


    class User
      def render_button

    class GuestUser
      def render_button
Unfortunately, it's not quite this simple. The render_logXXX_button methods don't live in the user classes, so the render_button methods need to send those messages to some other object. If the user object already knows to whom to send it, great. If not, then the send of the render_button message will need to send itself as an argument along with the message, so that the receiver can send the appropriate message back. Either of these approaches requires us to let some knowledge from the original context leak into our User and GuestUser classes, and that creates a new form of coupling. Ideally, there will be a way to mitigate this coupling in the form of some other shared association. Ruby web developers know the answer to this better than I. In any case, this may be what @avdi means when he says that we can't get rid of the if check. Doing so may create more downside than upside. This turned into a great opportunity to discuss design with my student. Design is about trade-offs. Things never seem quite as simple in the trenches as they do when we learn the rules and heuristics of design. There is no perfect solution. Our goal as programmers should be to develop the ability to make informed decisions in these situations, taking into account the context in which we are working. Patterns document design solutions and so must be used with care. One of the thing I love about the pattern form is that it encourages the writer to make as explicit as possible the context in which the solution applies and the forces that make its use more or less applicable. This helps the reader to face the possible trade-offs with his or her eyes wide open. So, one minor improvement @avdi might make in this chapter is to elaborate on the reason underlying the assertion that we can't eliminate this particular if check. Otherwise, students of OOP are likely to ask the same question my student asked. Of course, the answer may be obvious to Ruby web developers. In the end, working with patterns is like all other design: the more experience we have, the better. This is a relatively minor issue, though. From what I've seen, "Confident Ruby" will be a valuable addition to most Ruby programmers' bookshelves. -----