TITLE: Off to StrangeLoop AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: September 24, 2015 9:04 PM DESC: ----- BODY:
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StrangeLoop 2015 starts tomorrow, and after a year's hiatus, I'm back. The pre-conference workshops were today, and I wish I could have been here in time for the Future of Programming workshop. Alas, I have a day job and had to teach class before hitting the road. My students knew I was eager to get away and bid me a quick goodbye as soon as we wrapped up our discussion of table-driven parsing. (They may also have been eager to finish up the scanners for their compiler project...) As always, the conference line-up consists of strong speakers and intriguing talks throughout. Tomorrow, I'm looking forward to talks by Philip Wadler and Gary Bernhardt. Wadler is Wadler, and if anyone can shed new light in 2015 on the 'types versus unit tests' conflagration and make it fun, it's probably Bernhardt. On Saturday, my attention is honed in on David Nolen's and Michael Bernstein's A History of Programming Languages for 2 Voices. I've been big fans of their respective work for years, swooning on Twitter and reading their blogs and papers, and now I can see them in person. I doubt I'll be able to get close, though; they'll probably be swamped by groupies. Immediately after that talk, Matthias Felleisen is giving a talk on Racket's big-bang, showing how we can use pure functional programming to teach algebra to middle school students and fold the network into the programming language. Saturday was to begin with a keynote by Kathy Sierra, whom I last saw many years ago at OOPSLA. I'm sad that she won't be able to attend after all, but I know that Camille Fournier's talk about hopelessness and confidence in distributed systems design will be an excellent lead-off talk for the day. I do plan one change for this StrangeLoop: my laptop will stay in its shoulder bag during all of the talks. I'm going old school, with pen and a notebook in hand. My mind listens differently when I write notes by hand, and I have to be more frugal in the notes I take. I'm also hoping to feel a little less stress. No need to blog in real time. No need to google every paper the speakers mention. No temptation to check email and do a little work. StrangeLoop will have my full attention. The last time I came to StrangeLoop, I read Raymond Queneau's charming and occasionally disorienting "Exercises in Style", in preparation for Crista Lopes's talk about her exercises in programming style. Neither the book nor talk disappointed. This year, I am reading The Little Prince -- for the first time, if you can believe it. I wonder if any of this year's talks draw their inspiration from Saint-Exupéry? At StrangeLoop, you can never rule that kind of connection out. -----