TITLE: Aramaic, the Intermediate Language of the Ancient World AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: October 22, 2015 4:22 PM DESC: ----- BODY: My compiler course is making the transition from the front end to the back end. Our attention is on static analysis of abstract syntax trees and will soon turn to other intermediate representations. In the compiler world, an "intermediate representation" or intermediate language is a notation used as a stepping stone between the abstract syntax tree and the machine language that is ultimately produced. Such a stepping stone allows the compiler to take smaller steps in translation process and makes it easier to improve the code before getting down into the details of machine language. We sometimes see intermediate languages in the "real world", too. They tend to arise as a result of cultural and geopolitical forces and, while they usually serve different purposes in human affairs than in compiler affairs, they still tend to be practical stepping stones to another language. Consider the case of Darius I, whose Persian armies conquered most of the Middle East around 500 BC. As John McWhorter writes in The Atlantic, at the time of Darius's conquest,
... Aramaic was so well-entrenched that it seemed natural to maintain it as the new empire's official language, instead of using Persian. For King Darius, Persian was for coins and magnificent rock-face inscriptions. Day-to-day administration was in Aramaic, which he likely didn't even know himself. He would dictate a letter in Persian and a scribe would translate it into Aramaic. Then, upon delivery, another scribe would translate the letter from Aramaic into the local language. This was standard practice for correspondence in all the languages of the empire.
For sixty years, many compiler writers have dreamed of a universal intermediate language that would ease the creation of compilers for new languages and new machines, to no avail. But for several hundred years, Aramaic was the intermediate representation of choice for a big part of the Western world! Alas, Greek and Arabic later came along to supplant Aramaic, which now seems to be on a path to extinction. This all sounds a lot like the world of programming, in which languages come and go as we develop new technologies. Sometimes a language, human or computer, takes root for a while as the result of historical or technical forces. Then a new regime or a new culture rises, or an existing culture gains in influence, and a different language comes to dominate. McWhorter suggests that English may have risen to prominence at just the right moment in history to entrench itself as the world's intermediate language for a good long run. We'll see. Human languages and computer languages may operate on different timescales, but history treats them much the same. -----