TITLE: Marvin Minsky and the Irony of AlphaGo AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: January 29, 2016 3:43 PM DESC: ----- BODY:
Semantic Information Processing on my bookshelf
a portion of my bookshelf
(CC BY 3.0 US)
Marvin Minsky, one of the founders of AI, died this week. His book Semantic Information Processing made a big impression on me when I read it in grad school, and his paper Why Programming is a Good Medium for Expressing Poorly Understood and Sloppily-Formulated Ideas remains one of my favorite classic AI essays. The list of his students contains many of the great names from decades of computer science; several of them -- Daniel Bobrow, Bertram Raphael, Eugene Charniak, Patrick Henry Winston, Gerald Jay Sussman, Benjamin Kuipers, and Luc Steels -- influenced my work. Winston wrote one of my favorite AI textbooks ever, one that captured the spirit of Minsky's interest in cognitive AI. It seems fitting that Minsky left us the same week that Google published the paper Mastering the Game of Go with Deep Neural Networks and Tree Search, which describes the work that led to AlphaGo, a program strong enough to beat an expert human Go player. ( This brief article describes the accomplishment and program at a higher level.) One of the key techniques at the heart of AlphaGo is neural networks, an area Minsky pioneered in his mid-1950s doctoral dissertation and continued to work in throughout his career. In 1969, he and Seymour Papert published a book, Perceptrons, which showed the limitations of a very simple kind of neural network. Stories about the book's claims were quickly exaggerated as they spread to people who had never read the book, and the resulting pessimism stifled neural network research for more than a decade. It is a great irony that, in the week he died, one of the most startling applications of neural networks to AI was announced. Researchers like Minsky amazed me when I was young, and I am more amazed by them and their lifelong accomplishments as I grow older. If you'd like to learn more, check out Stephen Wolfram's personal farewell to Minsky. It gives you a peek into the wide-ranging mind that made Minsky such a force in AI for so long. -----