TITLE: Sometimes, Evolution Does What No Pivot Can AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: June 17, 2018 9:52 AM DESC: ----- BODY: From an old New Yorker article about Spotify:
YouTube, which is by far the largest streaming-music site in the world (it wasn't designed that way--that's just what it became)...
Companies starting in one line of business and evolving into something else is nothing new. I mean, The Connecticut Leather Company became Coleco and made video game consoles. But there's something about software that make this sort of evolution seem so normal. We build a computer system to solve one problem and find that our users -- who have needs and desires that neither we nor they fully comprehend -- use it to solve a different problem. Interesting times. Don't hem yourself in, and don't hem your software in, or the people who use it. -----