TITLE: Three Things I Read This Morning AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: July 28, 2018 11:37 AM DESC: ----- BODY: • Why I Don't Love Gödel, Escher, Bach I saw a lot of favorable links to this post a while back and finally got around to it. Meh. I generally agree with the author: GEB is verbose in places, there's a lot of unnecessary name checking, and the dialogues that lead off each chapter are often tedious. I even trust the author's assertion that Hofstadter's forays beyond math, logic, and computers are shallow. So what? Things don't have to be perfect for me to like them, or for them to make me think. GEB was a swirl of ideas that caused me to think and helped me make a few connections. I'm sure if I read the book now that I would feel differently about it, but reading it when I did, as an undergrad CS major thinking about AI and the future, it energized me. I do thank the author for his pointer (in a footnote) to Vi Hart's wonderful Twelve Tones. You should watch it. Zombie Schonberg! • The Web Aesthetic This post wasn't quite what I expected, but even a few years old it has something to say to web designers today.
Everything on the web ultimately needs to degrade down to plain text (images require alt text; videos require transcripts), so the text editor might just become the most powerful app in the designer's toolbox.
XP Challenge: Compilers People outside the XP community often don't realize how seriously the popularizers of XP explored the limitations of their own ideas. This page documents one of several challenges that push XP values and practices to the limits: When do they break down? Can they be adapted successfully to the task? What are the consequences of applying them in such circumstances? Re-reading this old wiki page was worth it if only for this great line from Ron Jeffries:
The point of XP is to win, not die bravely.
Yes. -----