TITLE: Strange Loop 2: Simon Peyton Jones on Teaching CS in the Schools AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: September 30, 2018 10:31 AM DESC: ----- BODY:
Simon Peyton discusses one of the myths of getting CS into the primary and secondary classroom: it's all about the curriculum
The opening keynote this year was by Simon Peyton Jones of Microsoft Research, well known in the programming languages for Haskell and many other things. But his talk was about something considerably less academic: "Shaping Our Children's Education in Computing", a ten-year project to reform the teaching of computing in the UK primary and secondary schools. It was a wonderful talk, full of history, practical advice, lessons learned, and philosophy of computing. Rather than try to summarize everything Peyton Jones said, I will let you watch the video when it is posted (which will be as early as next week, I think). I would, though, like to highlight one particular part of the talk, the way he describes computer science to a non-CS audience. This is an essential skill for anyone who wants to introduce CS to folks in education, government, and the wider community who often see CS as either hopelessly arcane or as nothing more than a technology or a set of tools. Peyton Jones characterized computing as being about information, computation, and communication. For each, he shared one or two ways to discuss the idea with an educated but non-technical audience. For example: In all three cases, it helps greatly to use examples from many disciplines and to ask questions that encourage the audience to ask their own questions, form their own hypotheses, and create their own experiments. The best examples and questions actually enable people to engage with computing through their own curiosity and inquisitiveness. We are fascinated by computing; other people can be, too. There is a huge push in the US these days for everyone to learn how to program. This creates a tension among many of us computer scientists, who know that programming isn't everything that we do and that its details can obscure CS as much as they illuminate it. I thought that Peyton Jones used a very nice analogy to express the relationship between programming and CS more broadly: Programming is to computer science as lab work is to physics. Yes, you could probably take lab work out of physics and still have physics, but doing so would eviscerate the discipline. It would also take away a lot of what draws people to the discipline. So it is with programming and computer science. But we have to walk a thin line, because programming is seductive and can ultimately distract us from the ideas that make programming so valuable in the first place. Finally, I liked Peyton Jones's simple summary of the reasons that everyone should learn a little computer science: That last item grows increasingly important in a world where the seeming magic of computers redefines every sector of our lives. Oh, and yes, a few people will get jobs that use programming skills and computing knowledge. People in government and business love to hear that part. Regular readers of this blog know that I am a sucker for aphorisms. Peyton Jones dropped a few on us, most earnestly when encouraging his audience to participate in the arduous task of introducing and reforming the teaching CS in the schools: (The second of these already had a home in my brain. My wife has surely tired of hearing me say something like it over the years.) It's easy to admire great researchers who have invested so much time and energy into solving real-world problems, especially in our schools. As long as this post is, it covers only a few minutes from the middle of the talk. My selection and bare-bones outline don't do justice to Peyton Jones's presentation or his message. Go watch the talk when the video goes up. It was a great way to start Strange Loop. -----