TITLE: Strange Loop 4: The Quotable Wadler AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: October 01, 2018 7:12 PM DESC: ----- BODY: Philip Wadler is a rockstar to the Strange Loop crowd. His 2015 talk on propositions as types introduced not a few developers to one of computer science's great unities. This year, he returned to add a third idea to what is really a triumvirate: categories. With a little help from his audience, he showed that category theory has elements which correspond directly to ... What's more, the product/sum dual models De Morgan's laws, but with more structure, which enables it to model sets beyond the booleans! Wadler is an entertaining teacher; I recommend the video of his talk! But he is also as quotable as any CS prof I've encountered in a long while. Here is a smattering of his great lines from "Categories for the Working Hacker":
If you can use math to do something, do it. It will make your life better.
That's the great thing about math. It lets you see something obvious after only thirty or forty years.
Pick your favorite algebra. If you don't have one, get one.
Let's do that in Java. That's what you should always do when you learn a new idea: do it in Java.
That's what category theory is really about: avoiding traffic jams.
Sums are the secret origin of folds.
If you don't understand this, I don't mind, because it's Java.
While watching the presentation, I created a one-liner of my own: Surprise! If you do something that matches exactly what Haskell does, Haskell code will be much shorter than Java code. This was a very good talk; I enjoyed it quite a bit. However, I also left the room with a couple of nagging questions. The talk was titled "Categories for the Working Hacker", and it did a nice job of presenting some basic ideas from category theory in a way that most any developer could understand, even one without much background in math. But... How does this knowledge make one a better hacker? Armed with this new, entertaining knowledge, what are software developers able to do that they couldn't do before? I have my own ideas for answers to these questions, but I would love to hear Wadler's take. -----