TITLE: Good Tools AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: March 15, 2019 2:01 PM DESC: ----- BODY: From David Lebovitz:
The best way to repair your knives is not to damage them in the first place.
I think one can probably replace "knives" with the name of any tool and have a good piece of advice. It may even apply to software. Over the years, like many of you, I have gone through phases in which I was enamored with productivity pr0n. I also have an interest in good pens and notebooks, though not nearly to the level of some of my friends. Lately for me, though, it has been cooking that has captured my attention. My twice-weekly adventures in the kitchen are so conspicuous among my family that now, whenever my daughters go to cool places like India and Europe, they bring me back native spices as gifts. ... which accounts for why I might be quoting a blog on knives. I've become so aware of the utility of kitchen knives, and their feel in my hand, that I'm reading about them and thinking about making a purchase or two. Every programmer knows that a good tool can make all the difference in how we feel when we work and in the quality of what we create. That's true in the kitchen, too. -----