TITLE: Feeling Unstuck Amid the Pandemic AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: July 01, 2020 3:19 PM DESC: ----- BODY: Rands recently wrote about his work-from-home routine. I love the idea of walking around a large wooded yard while doing audio meetings... One of his reasons for feeling so at ease struck a chord with me:
Everyone desperately wants to return to normality. I am a professional optimist, but we are not returning to normal. Ever. This is a different forever situation, and the sooner we realize that and start to plan accordingly, the sooner we will feel unstuck.
I have written or spoken a variation of this advice so many times over my fifteen years as department head, most often in the context of state funding and our university budget. Almost every year for my first decade as head, we faced a flat or reduced budget, and every time several university colleagues expressed a desire to ride the storm out: make temporary changes to how we operate and wait for our budgets to return to normal. This was usually accompanied by a wistful desire that we could somehow persuade legislators of our deep, abiding value and thus convince them to allocate more dollars to the university or, failing that, that new legislators some future legislature would have different priorities. Needless to say, the good old days never returned, and our budget remained on a downward slide that began in the late 1990s. This particular form of optimism was really avoidance of reality, and it led to many people living in a state of disappointment and discomfort for years. Fortunately, over the last five or ten years, most everyone has come to realize that what we have now is normal and has begun to plan accordingly. It is psychologically powerful to accept reality and begin acting with agency. As for the changes brought on by the pandemic, I must admit that I am undecided about how much of what has changed over the last few months will be the normal way of the university going forward. My department colleagues and I have been discussing how the need for separation among students in the classroom affects how we teach. Our campus doesn't have enough big rooms for everyone to move each class into a room with twice the capacity, so most of us are looking at ways to teach hybrid classes, with only half of our students in the classroom with us on any given day. This makes most of us sad and even a little depressed: how can we teach our courses as well as we always have in the past when new constraints don't allow us to do what we have optimized our teaching to do? I have started thinking of the coming year in terms of hill climbing, an old idea from AI. After years of hard work and practice, most of us are at a local maximum in our teaching. The pandemic has disoriented us by dropping us at a random point in the environment. The downside of change in position is that we are no longer at our locally-optimal point for teaching our courses. The upside is that we get to search again under new conditions. Perhaps we can find a new local maximum, perhaps even one higher than our old max. If not, at least we have conducted a valuable experiment under trying conditions and can use what we learn going forward. This analogy helps me approach my new course with more positive energy. A couple of my colleagues tell me it has helped them, too. As many others have noted, the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated a few changes that were already taking place in our universities, in particular in the use of digital technology to engage students and to replace older processes. Of the other changes we've seen, some will certainly stick, but I'm not sure anyone really knows which ones. Part of the key to living with the uncertainty is not to tie ourselves too closely to what we did before. -----