TITLE: A Family of Functions from a Serendipitous Post, and Thoughts about Teaching AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: January 05, 2023 12:15 PM DESC: ----- BODY: Yesterday, Ben Fulton posted on Mastodon:
TIL: C++ has a mismatch algorithm that returns the first non-equal pair of elements from two sequences. ...
C++'s mismatch was new to me, too, so I clicked through to the spec on cppreference.com to read a bit more. I learned that mismatch is an algorithm implemented as as a template function with several different signatures. My thoughts turned immediately to my spring course, Programming Languages, which starts with an introduction to Racket and functional programming. mismatch would make a great example or homework problem for my students, as they learn to work with Racket lists and functions! I stopped working on what I was doing and used the C++ spec to draw up a family of functions for my course:
    ; Return the first mismatching pair of elements from two lists.
    ; Compare using eq?.
    ;   (mismatch lst1 lst2)
    ; Compare using a given binary predicate comp?.
    ;   (mismatch comp? lst1 lst2)
    ; Compare using a given binary predicate comp?,
    ; as a higher-order function.
    ;   ((make-mismatch comp?) lst1 lst2)
    ; Return the first mismatching pair of elements from two ranges,
    ; also as a higher-order function.
    ; If last2 is not provided, it denotes first2 + (last1 - first1).
    ;   (make-mismatch first1 last1 first2 [last2]) -> (f lst1 lst2)
Of course, this list is not exhaustive, only a start. With so many related possibilities, mismatch will make a great family of examples or homework problems for the course! What a fun distraction from the other work in my backlog. Ben's post conveniently arrived in the middle of an email discussion with the folks who teach our intro course, about ChatGPT and the role it will play in Intro. I mentioned ChatGPT in a recent post suggesting that we all think about tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E from the perspective of cultural adaptation: how do we live with new AI tools knowing that we change our world to accommodate our technologies? In that post, I mentioned only briefly the effect that these tools will have on professors, their homework assignments, and the way we evaluate student competencies and performance. The team preparing to teach Intro this spring has to focus on these implications now because they affect how the course will work. Do we want to mitigate the effects of ChatGPT and, if so, how? I think they have decided mostly to take a wait-and-see approach this semester. We always have a couple of students who do not write their own code, and ChatGPT offers them a new way not to do so. When we think students have not written the code they submitted, we talk with them. In particular, we discuss the code and ask the student to explain or reason about it. Unless the presence of ChatGPT greatly increases the number of students submitting code they didn't write, this approach should continue to work. I imagine we will be fine. Most students want to learn; they know that writing code is where they learn the most. I don't expect that access to ChatGPT is going to change the number of students taking shortcuts, at least not in large numbers. Let's trust our students as we keep a watchful eye out for changes in behavior. The connection between mismatch and the conversation about teaching lies in the role that a family of related functions such as mismatch can play in building a course that is more resistant to the use of AI assistants in a way that harms student learning. I already use families of related function specs as a teaching tool in my courses, for purely pedagogical reasons. Writing different versions of the same function, or seeing related functions used to solve slightly different problems, is a good way to help students deepen understanding of an idea or to help them make connections among different concepts. My mismatches give me another way to help students in Programming Languages learn about processing lists, passing functions as arguments, returning functions as values, and accepting a variable number of arguments. I'm curious to see how this family of functions works for students. A set of related functions also offers a tool both for helping professors determine whether students have learned to write code. We already ask students in our intro course to modify code. Asking students to convert a function with one spec into a function with a slightly different spec, like writing different versions of the same function, give them the chance benefit from their understanding the existing code. It is easier for a programmer to modify a function if they understand it. The existing code is a scaffold that enables the student to focus on the single feature or concept they need to write the new code. Students who have not written code like the code they are modifying have a harder time reading and modifying the given code, especially when operating under any time or resource limitation. In a way, code modification exercises do something simpler to asking students to explain code to us: the modification task exposes when students don't understand code they claim to have written. Having ChatGPT generate a function for you won't be as valuable if you will soon be asked to explain the code in detail or to modify the code in a way that requires you understand it. Increasing the use of modification tasks is one way to mitigate the benefits of a student having someone else write the code for them. Families of functions such as mismatch above are a natural source of modification tasks. Beyond the coming semester, I am curious how our thinking about writing code will evolve in the presence of ChatGPT-like tools. Consider the example of auto-complete facilities in our editors. Few people these days think of using auto-complete as cheating, but when it first came out many professors were concerned that using auto-complete was a way for students not to learn function signatures and the details of standard libraries. (I'm old enough to still have a seed of doubt about auto-complete buried somewhere deep in my mind! But that's just me.) If LLM-based tools become the new auto-complete, one level up from function signatures, then how we think about programming will probably change. Likewise how we think about teaching programming... or not. Did we change how we teach much as a result of auto-complete? The existence of ChatGPT is a bit disconcerting for today's profs, but the long-term implications are kind of interesting. In the meantime, coming across example generators like C++'s mismatch helps me deal with the new challenge and gives me unexpected fun writing code and problem descriptions. -----