TITLE: Implementing Flavius Josephus's Sieve AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: February 23, 2023 10:40 AM DESC: ----- BODY: The other night, I wanted to have some fun, so I implemented a few Racket functions to implement Flavius Josephus's sieve. Think the sieve of Eratosthenes, but with each pass applied to the numbers left after the previous pass:
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...
    1   3   5   7   9    11    13    15 ...  - after pass 1 (remove every 2nd)
    1   3       7   9          13    15 ...  - after pass 2 (remove every 3rd)
    1   3       7              13    15 ...  - after pass 3 (remove every 4th)
My code isn't true to the mathematical ideal, because it doesn't process the unbounded sequence of natural numbers. (Haskell, with lazy evaluation, might be a better choice for that!) Instead, it works on a range [1..n] for a given n. That's plenty good enough for me to see how the sequence evolves. I ended up using a mix of higher-order functions and recursive functions. When it comes to time to filter out every kth item in the previous sequence, I generate a list of booleans with false in every kth position and true elsewhere. For example, '(#t #t #f #t #t #f ...) is the mask for the pass that filters out every third item. Then, this function:
    (define filter-with-mask
      (lambda (lon mask)
        (map car
             (filter (lambda (p) (cdr p))
                     (map cons lon mask)))))
applies a mask to a list of numbers lon and produces an updated list of numbers. The rest of the code is a recursive function that, on each pass, applies the next mask in sequence to the list remaining after the previous pass. I won't be surprised if my mathematician friends, or readers who are better Racket programmers, can suggest a more elegant way to "strain" a list, but, hey, I'm a programmer. This is a simple enough approach that does the job. The code is reasonably fast and flexible. In any case, it was a nice way to spend an hour after a long day on campus. My wife just smiled when I told what I was going to do to relax that evening. She knows me well. -----