TITLE: Context Matters AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: March 05, 2023 9:47 AM DESC: ----- BODY: In this episode of Conversations With Tyler, Cowen asks economist Jeffrey Sachs if he agrees with several other economists' bearish views on a particular issue. Sachs says they "have been wrong ... for 20 years", laughs, and goes on to say:
They just got it wrong time and again. They had failed to understand, and the same with [another economist]. It's the same story. It doesn't fit our model exactly, so it can't happen. It's got to collapse. That's not right. It's happening. That's the story of our time. It's happening.
"It doesn't fit our model, so it can't happen." But it is happening. When your model keeps saying that something can't happen, but it keeps happening anyway, you may want to reconsider your model. Otherwise, you may miss the dominant story of the era -- not to mention being continually wrong. Sachs spends much of his time with Cowen emphasizing the importance of context in determining which model to use and which actions to take. This is essential in economics because the world it studies is simply too complex for the models we have now, even the complex models. I think Sachs's insight applies to any discipline that works with people, including education and software development. The topic of education even comes up toward the end of the conversation, when Cowen asks Sachs how to "fix graduate education in economics". Sachs says that one of its problems is that they teach econ as if there were "four underlying, natural forces of the social universe" rather than studying the specific context of particular problems. He goes on to highlight an approach that is affecting every discipline now touched by data analytics:
We have so much statistical machinery to ask the question, "What can you learn from this dataset?" That's the wrong question because the dataset is always a tiny, tiny fraction of what you can know about the problem that you're studying.
Every interesting problem is bigger than any dataset we build from it. The details of the problem matter. Again: context. Sachs suggests that we shouldn't teach econ like physics, with Maxwell's overarching equations, but like biology, with the seemingly arbitrary details of DNA. In my mind, I immediately began thinking about my discipline. We shouldn't teach software development (or econ!) like pure math. We should teach it as a mix of principles and context, generalities and specific details. There's almost always a tension in CS programs between timeless knowledge and the details of specific languages, libraries, and tools. Most of students don't go on to become theoretical computer scientists; they go out to work in the world of messy details, details that keep evolving and morphing into something new. That makes our job harder than teaching math or some sciences because, like economics:
... we're not studying a stable environment. We're studying a changing environment. Whatever we study in depth will be out of date. We're looking at a moving target.
That dynamic environment creates a challenge for those of us teaching software development or any computing as practiced in the world. CS professors have to constantly be moving, so as not to fall our of date. But they also have to try to identify the enduring principles that their students can count on as they go on to work in the world for several decades. To be honest, that's part of the fun for many of us CS profs. But it's also why so many CS profs can burn out after 15 or 20 years. A never-ending marathon can wear anyone out. Anyway, I found Cowens' conversation with Jeffrey Sachs to be surprisingly stimulating, both for thinking about economics and for thinking about software. -----