TITLE: Fighting Entropy in Class AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: March 29, 2023 2:39 PM DESC: ----- BODY: On Friday, I wrote a note to myself about updating an upcoming class session:
Clean out the old cruft. Simplify, simplify, simplify! I want students to grok the idea and the implementation. All that Lisp and Scheme history is fun for me, but it gets in the students' way.
This is part of an ongoing battle for me. Intellectually, I know to design class sessions and activities focused on where students are and what they need to do in order to learn. Yet it continually happens that I strike upon a good approach for a session, and then over the years I stick a little extra in here and there; within a few iterations I have a big ball of mud. Or I fool myself that some bit of history that I find fascinating is somehow essential for students to learn about, too, so I keep it in a session. Over the years, the history grows more and more distant; the needs of the session evolve, but I keep the old trivia in there, filling up time and distracting my students. It's hard. The specific case in question here is a session in my programming languages course called Creating New Syntax. The session has the modest goal of introducing students to the idea of using macros and other tools to define new syntactic constructs in a language. My students come into the course with no Racket or Lisp experience, and only a few have enough experience with C/C++ that they may have seen its textual macros. My plan for this session is to expose them to a few ideas and then to demonstrate one of Racket's wonderful facilities for creating new syntax. Given the other demands of the course, we don't have time to go deep, only to get a taste. [In my dreams, I sometimes imagine reorienting this part of my course around something like Matthew Butterick's Beautiful Racket... Maybe someday.] Looking at my notes for this session on Friday, I remembered just how overloaded and distracting the session has become. Over the years, I've pared away the extraneous material on macros in Lisp and C, but now it has evolved to include too many ideas and incomplete examples of macros in Racket. Each by itself might make for a useful part of the story. Together, they pull attention here and there without ever closing the deal. I feel like the story I've been telling is getting in the way of the one or two key ideas about this topic I want students to walk away from the course with. It's time to clean the session up -- to make some major changes -- and tell a more effective story. The specific idea I seized upon on Friday is an old idea I've had in mind for a while but never tried: adding a Python-like for-loop:
    (for i in lst: (sqrt i))
[Yes, I know that Racket already has a fine set of for-loops! This is just a simple form that lets my students connect their fondness for Python with the topic at hand.] This functional loop is equivalent to a Racket map expression:
    (map (lambda (i)
           (sqrt i))
We can write a simple list-to-list translator that converts the loop to an equivalent map:
    (define for-to-map
      (lambda (for-exp)
        (let ((var (second for-exp))
              (lst (fourth for-exp))
              (exp (sixth for-exp)))
          (list 'map
                (list 'lambda (list var) exp)
This code handles only the surface syntax of the new form. To add it to the language, we'd have to recursively translate the form. But this simple function alone demonstrates the idea of translational semantics, and shows just how easy it can be to convert a simple syntactic abstraction into an equivalent core form. Racket, of course, gives us better options! Here is the same transformer using the syntax-rules operator:
    (define-syntax for-p
      (syntax-rules (in :)
        ( (for-p var in lst : exp)
            (map (lambda (var) exp) lst) )  ))
So easy. So powerful. So clear. And this does more than translate surface syntax in the form of a Racket list; it enables the Racket language processor to expand the expression in place and execute the result:
    > (for-p i in (range 0 10):
        (sqrt i))
This small example demonstrates the key idea about macros and syntax transformers that I want students to take from this session. I plan to open the session with for-p, and then move on to range-case, a more complex operator that demonstrates more of syntax-rules's range and power. This sets me up for a fun session in a little over a week. I'm excited to see how it plays with students. Renewed simplicity and focus should help. -----