TITLE: And Then Came JavaScript AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: November 24, 2023 12:17 PM DESC: ----- BODY: It's been a long time again between posts. That seems to be the new normal. On top of that, though, teaching web development this fall for the first time has been soaking up all of my free hours in the evenings and over the weekends, which has left me little time to be sad about not blogging. I've certainly been writing plenty of text and a bit of code. The course started off with a lot of positive energy. The students were excited to learn HTML and CSS. I made a few mistakes in how I organized and presented topics, but things went pretty well. By all accounts, students seemed to enjoy what they were learning and doing. And then came JavaScript. Well, along came real computer programming. It could have been Python or some other language, I think, but the transition to writing programs, even short bits of code, took the wind out of the students' excitement. I was prepared for the possibility that the mood of the course would change when we shifted from CSS to JavaScript. A previous offering of the course had encountered a similar obstacle. Learning to program is a challenge. I'm still not convinced that learning to program is that much harder than a lot of things people learn to do, but it does take time. As I prepared for the course last summer, I saw so many different approaches to teaching JavaScript for web development. Many assumed a lot of HTML/CSS/DOM background, certainly more than my students had picked up in six weeks. Others assumed programming experience most of my students didn't have, even when the approach said 'no experience necessary!'. So I had to find a middle path.
a colorful cube with sides labeled HTML, CSS, and JS
Source: MDN, CC BY-SA 2.5
My main source of inspiration in the first half of the course was David Humphrey's WEB 222 course, which was explicitly aimed at an audience of CS students with programming experience. So I knew that I had to do something different with my students, even as I used his wonderful course materials whenever I could. My department had offered this course once many years ago, aimed at much the same kind of audience as mine, and the instructor — a good friend — shared all of his materials. I used that offering as a primary source of ideas for getting started with JavaScript, and I occasionally adapted examples for use in my class. The results were not ideal. Students don't seem to have enjoyed this part of the course much at all. Some acknowledged that to me directly. Even the most engaged students seemed to lose a bit of their energy for the course. Performance also sagged. Based on homework solutions and a short exam, I would say that only one student has achieved the outcomes I had originally outlined for this unit. I either expected too much or did not do a good enough job helping students get to where I wanted them to be. I have to do better next time. But how? Programming isn't as hard as some people tell us, but most of us can't learn to do it in five or six weeks, at least not enough to become very productive. We don't expect students to master all of CSS or even HTML in such a short time, so we can't expect them to master JavaScript either. The difference is that there seems to be a smooth on-ramp for learning HTML and CSS on the way to mastery, while JavaScript (or any other programming language) presents a steep climb, with occasional plateaus. For now, I am thinking that the key to doing better is to focus on an even narrower set of concepts and skills. If people starting from scratch can't learn all of JavaScript in five or six weeks, or even enough to be super-productive, what useful skills can they learn in that time? For this course I trimmed down the set of topics that we might cover in an intro CS considerably, but I think I need to trim even more and — more importantly — choose topics and examples that are even more embedded in the act of web development. Earlier this week, a sudden burst of thought outlined something like this: That is a lot to learn in five weeks! Even so, it cuts way back on several topics I tried cover this time, such as a more general discussion of objects, arrays, and boolean values, and a deeper look at the DOM. And it eliminates even mentioning several topics altogether: There are so many things a programmer can't do without these concepts, such as writing an indefinite data validation loop or really understanding what's going on in the DOM tree. But trying to cover all of those topics too did not result in students being able to do them either! I think it left them confused, with so many new ideas jumbled in their minds, and a general dissatisfaction at being unable to use JavaScript effectively. Of course I would want to build hooks into the course for students who want to go deeper and are ready to do so. There is so much good material on the web for people who are ready for more. Providing more enriched opportunities for advanced students is easier than designing learning opportunities for beginners. Can something like this work? I won't know for a while. It will be at least a year before I teach this course again. I wish I could teach it again sooner, so that I could try some of my new ideas and get feedback on them sooner. Such is the curse of a university calendar and once-yearly offerings. It's too late to make any big changes in trajectory this semester. We have only two weeks after the current one-week Thanksgiving break. Next week, we will focus on input forms (HTML), styling (CSS), and a little data validation (HTML+JavaScript). I hope that this return to HTML+CSS helps us end the course on a positive note. I'd like for students to finish with a good feeling about all they have learned and now can do. -----