Homework 3
Regarding Professional Responsibility
Software Systems
- To consider in greater detail issues related to the professional
responsibilities of computing professionals.
- To gain experience in writing about issues in computer science.
Write essays for each of the following exercises.
- Suppose that you are a frequent participant in discussions with Bob,
Sue, George, and the rest of the gang down at the Angry Ostrich Bar
and Grill, as reported by Pam Pulitzer in The Killer Robot
Papers (pages 72-80).
- Analyze the points made by your colleagues.
- What points would you make in such a discussion?
- Consider the issue of visual profiling, as reported by Pam Pulitzer
in The Killer Robot Papers (pages 132-137).
- Is visual profiling ethical?
- Should use of such systems be legal, legal but regulated, or
- Should the government be able to use such systems, or would
use violate Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable
search and seizure?
Be sure to support your answers with reference to a computing
code of ethics.
This is not a team exercise. Do the preceding tasks
Submit at or before 9:30 AM on Thursday, March 22, your
answers to the homework exercises. You may deliver the paper to me
directly or to the department office in 219 Wright. (I prefer submission
at class time.)
Eugene Wallingford ====
wallingf@cs.uni.edu ====
March 8, 2001