810:172 Software Engineering

Syllabus -- Fall Semester 2009

[ Basics | Goals | Policies | Grading ]


Instructor: Eugene Wallingford


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Course Goals

Eventually, you want to write programs larger than the ones you usually write in class. Or you want to write programs that will be used for years rather than weeks or days. Or you want to write programs for other people to use. Or you need to work on team of programmers. Or you need to write programs that require a higher degree of reliability than the programs you write for yourself. As code grows in size, lifespan, audience, development process, or external requirements, the practices you use to write programs for yourself may not suffice any more.

This course gives you an opportunity to learn about software engineering, an area of computer science that studies how we can write large, long-lived, complex programs for real users under real-world constraints. You will gain experience with practices and tools that support the development of such software.

Course Policies


Grades will be determined on the basis of your performance on homework assignments and examinations. Homework assignments include a small team project implemented over the final ten weeks of the term. Examinations may include short quizzes. Some assignments involve critical writing.

Item Number Weight
Homework 4-6 15%
Project 1, in several phases 40%
Midterm exams
and quizzes
1 and ? 20%
Final exam 1 25%

Grades will be assigned using an absolute scale:

This means that there is no curve.

Eugene Wallingford .... wallingf@cs.uni.edu .... August 26, 2009