Exam 1

Basic Programs --
Chapters 1 through 4

CS 1510
Introduction to Computing

Tuesday, October 7, 2014 @ 12:45 PM



  1. Write numeric expressions in Python for these value:
    1.      4 + 3 * 2n-2
    2. the sum of the cubes of integers x and y
    3. the number of seconds in 4 hours, 14 minutes, and 32 seconds
      (There are sixty seconds in a minute, and sixty minutes in an hour.)

  2. Write boolean expressions in Python for these conditions:
    1. x is a factor of y (that is, x divides evenly into y)
    2. age is at least 18 and state equals 'Iowa'
    3. the string name contains a 'z'

  3. Consider this code:
        if x % 2 == 1:
            if x**3 != 27:
                x = x + 4
                x = x / 1.5
            if x <= 10:
                x = x * 2
                x = x - 2

    What does this code print if x == 8?

  4. The user enters the birthdays of, a and b, two people who were born on different days in the same year. Write Python code that prints a is younger if a's birthday comes before b's, and b is younger if b's birthday comes before a's.
        a_month = int( input('Enter the month: ') )
        a_day   = int( input('Enter the day  : ') )
        b_month = int( input('Enter the month: ') )
        b_day   = int( input('Enter the day  : ') )
        # fill in the blank

  5. Answer briefly each of these questions about algorithms and programs:
    1. In what ways is an algorithm similar to a program?
    2. In what ways is an algorithm different from a program?

  6. Consider this code:
        x = input('Enter a string: ')
        y = 0
        for i in x:
            print(y, i)
            y += 1

    What does this code print if the user enters 'Felix'?

  7. Write a Python loop to print the sum of all the odd numbers between 1 to n, for a given value of n. For example, the sum of the odds between 1 and 7 is 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16.

  8. Consider this code:
        x = input('Enter a string: ')
        y = 0
        for i in x:
            if i == 'a':
                y += 1

    Write a while loop that does exactly the same thing as the for loop.

  9. Answer briefly each of these questions about loops:
    1. What does the break statement do in a loop?
    2. What is a loop and a half?
    3. What must the body of a while loop do that the body of a for loop does not need to do?

  10. Suppose we want to censor a string in this way:
        Enter the source     : eugene
        Enter char to replace: e
        Enter char to insert : *
        Result: *ug*n*

    Write Python code that prints out the characters in string str, only with character old_ch replaced with character new_ch.

        str    = input('Enter the source     : ')
        old_ch = input('Enter char to replace: ')
        new_ch = input('Enter char to insert : ')
        # fill in the blank
        print('\nResult:', result)

Eugene Wallingford ..... wallingf@cs.uni.edu ..... October 7, 2014