--------------------------------------------------------------------------- to dash :n :len repeat :n [ pd fd :len pu fd :len ] bk :len pd end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- to octagon repeat 8 [fd 200 squareDashTwirl 8 rt 45] end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- to squareDash :n :len repeat 4 [ dash :n :len rt 90 ] end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- to squareDashTwirl :n repeat 36 [squareDash :n :n rt 10] end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- setpc [0 255 255] repeat 36 [squareDash 8 8 rt 10] pu rt 90 bk 400 squareDashTwirl squareDashTwirl 7 home cs squareDashTwirl 7 cs squareDashTwirl 6 cs squareDashTwirl 6 cs octagon rt 90 bk 100 bk 100 lt 90 bk 100 setpc [255 0 255] octagon setscreencolor [255 255 0] octagon