Lab #1: These questions will be collected during the 3rd or 4th class period. You will be given time to answer some of them in class too. 1. Link to the RGB Hex Triplet Color Chart and describe what color each of the following base 16 (hexadecimal) numbers specifies: a. FFCC00 d. BBBBBB b. 33FFFF e. 222222 c. CC00FF [ Note: The RGB triplet chart is easily linked to from by following the RGB and Base 16 hypertext link. See RGB and Base 16, Base 10, Conversion Charts, How Hexadecimal works, etc. Link from ] 2. What are the following binary numbers when you convert them to decimal, to our base 10 number system? Show your work! a. 1100110101 b. 110011 c. 1100110 d. 10111 3. What would these base 10, decimal numbers look like in binary? Show your work! a. 224 b. 68 c. 29 d. 5 e. 10 4. Link to which is linked to from via the BODY hypertext tag on that page. Note: Link to this from via the Overview of all HTML elements link on our class web page. List (name) the 5 different BODY attributes that can be set to an RRGGBB color triplet value in HTML. One of the 5 attributes we saw in class is BGCOLOR, as in the BODY BGCOLOR="FF00FF" example today. BGCOLOR is short for BackGround Color. - -