2.12 Nested Packages

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Here is an example where two packages are nested units, declared in another package using the two-step style of nesting. (Note that the next section illustrates a better way to accomplish what is accomplished here.) Suppose you were building a simulation of a basketball game, and you were about to focus on a subsystem representing the scoreboard.

The right side of this diagram represents a package named Scoreboard, whose declaration contains some type declarations and the declarations of two nested packages named Events and Display. Ultimately, different clients (different parts of the overall basketball simulation) would call the operations of these two nested packages.

Im2-12.gif (7280 bytes)

Note that the executable part of procedure Shot_Made employs a membership test as the Boolean expression used in an if statement. The expression also includes use of the Range attribute.

Source Code Listing

------------------------ Scoreboard ------------------------
--  This package provides the ability to add to team scores 
--  after shots are made by specific players, and to keep
--  track of the number of fouls committed by specific 
--  players. It also provides the ability to display the 
--  current score, and to display the foul status. 
package Scoreboard is 
  type Player_Name is (Adam, Bill, Carl, Dave, Eric, 
                       Fred, Glen, Hank, Ivan, John);
  type Shot_Type is (Foul_Shot, Two_Pointer, Three_Pointer);
  package Events is 
    procedure Shot_Made   (By   : in Player_Name;
                           Shot : in Shot_Type);
    procedure Foul_Committed(By : in Player_Name);
  end Events;
  package Display is
    procedure Show_Scores;              
    procedure Show_Fouls;  
  end Display;
end Scoreboard;
with Ada.Text_IO;
use  Ada.Text_IO;
package body Scoreboard is
  Home_Score     : Natural := 0;
  Visitors_Score : Natural := 0;
  Foul_Status    : array (Player_Name'Range) of Natural
                 := (Player_Name'Range => 0);
  subtype Home_Player     is Player_Name range Adam..Eric;
  subtype Visiting_Player is Player_Name range Fred..John;
  package body Events is
    procedure Shot_Made(By   : in Player_Name;
                        Shot : in Shot_Type) is
      Points : Integer range 1..3;
      if    Shot = Foul_Shot then Points := 1;
      elsif Shot = Two_Pointer then Points := 2;
      elsif Shot = Three_Pointer then Points := 3;
      end if;
      if By in Home_Player'Range then             -- membership test
        Home_Score := Home_Score + Points;
      elsif By in Visiting_Player'Range then      -- membership test
        Visitors_Score := Visitors_Score + Points;
      end if;
    end Shot_Made;
    procedure Foul_Committed(By : in Player_Name) is 
        Foul_Status(By) := Foul_Status(By) + 1;    
    end Foul_Committed;
  end Events;           
  package body Display is
    procedure Show_Scores is
      Put_Line("Score:  Home " &
               Integer'Image(Home_Score) &
               "  Visitors " &
    end Show_Scores;
    procedure Show_Fouls is
      Name : Player_Name;
      Put_Line("Home Team Fouls:");
      for Name in Home_Player'Range loop
        Put("  ");
      end loop;
      Put_Line("Visiting Team Fouls:");
      for Name in Visiting_Player'Range loop
        Put("  ");  
      end loop;
    end Show_Fouls;
  end Display;
end Scoreboard;
----------------------- Test_Scoreboard --------------------
--  This test procedure sends a sequence of messages to the 
--  Scoreboard package involving shots made and fouls 
--  committed, and messages requesting display of data. 
with Scoreboard;
use  Scoreboard;
procedure Test_Scoreboard is
  Events.Shot_Made     (By => Bill, Shot => Two_Pointer);
  Events.Foul_Committed(By => Carl);
  Events.Shot_Made     (By => Hank, Shot => Foul_Shot);
  Events.Shot_Made     (By => Dave, Shot => Three_Pointer);
  Events.Shot_Made     (By => Fred, Shot => Two_Pointer);
  Events.Foul_Committed(By => Glen);
  Events.Shot_Made     (By => Eric, Shot => Foul_Shot);
end Test_Scoreboard;

The above program produces the following output:

  Score:  Home 0   Visitors 0

  Home Team Fouls:
    ADAM 0  BILL 0  CARL 0  DAVE 0  ERIC 0

  Visiting Team Fouls:
    FRED 0  GLEN 0  HANK 0  IVAN 0  JOHN 0

  Score:  Home 6   Visitors 3

  Home Team Fouls:
    ADAM 0  BILL 0  CARL 1  DAVE 0  ERIC 0

  Visiting Team Fouls:
    FRED 0  GLEN 1  HANK 0  IVAN 0  JOHN 0

Related Topics

2.2 Program Units 2.3 Relationships between Program Units

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