Student Presentations


Environment, Technology, and Society

Fall Semester 2003

Each week this semester, we will explore a particular theme. On Tuesday, we will do an exercise in class that helps us to understand the topic better. On Thursday, three students will give presentations on the topic. (The exceptions to this pattern will be Thanksgiving week, when students will present on Tuesday, and perhaps the week of December 1, when students may present on both days.) These presentations will be approximately 15 minutes each and will deal with the assigned topic, either the whole topic or some interesting sub-topic.

Selecting Presentation Topics

We will know is doing what presentations when by the end of class on Thursday, August 28. Students will select topics in a pseudo-randomized fashion. You can find a list of topics in Weeks 4 through 15 of the class activity page. You should come to class on August 28 with some idea of what topic you would like to present, along with several back-up choices in case your topic is unavailable at the time you select.

Preference in selection will be given to groups of three students that wish to coordinate their presentations of a topic, in particular if they choose to do a non-traditional presentation. Such non-traditional approaches include mock trials, debates, and theatrical skits. Interaction with the whole class is also a plus. To propose a three-person group, send me e-mail by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, August 27.

Giving Presentations

Presentations must focus on the assigned topic and provide an interdisciplinary view point -- social, ethical, political, technological, economic, .... You should prepare appropriate hand-outs for the members of the class to help them follow and participate in your presentation.

You can give any sort of presentation that suits your abilities and interests. As mentioned above, you could present a mock trial or a debate. You could deliver a skit and then involve the rest of the class in discussion.

You can also deliver a more academic presentation, a sort-of mini-lecture. If you do this, be sure to

Yes, this is a tall order. But you can do all this, if your prepare well. Coordinating with the other students presenting on the same topic van help you all avoid duplication, too.

Eugene Wallingford ==== ==== August 25, 2003