CS 1025 01 - Week #3 September 7th and 9th

Monday, September 5th

No Class - Labor Day Holiday

Wednesday, September 7th

  1. SCRATCH: SCRATCH.MIT.EDU is the website for Scratch graphics software.

  2. Introduction to Scratch: Getting Started With Scratch tutorial. "Watch me dance!", hear the drums, change costumes, repeat 10 times, ...

    Review the GETTING STARTED WITH SCRATCH tutorial. Compare it to NetLOGO turtle graphics.

  3. Scratch Example: Ghostbusters II movie four line poem by Peter, Ray, and Egon:

  4. Scratch CIRCLES example.

    30 circles, each "circle" is really just a polygon with 24 sides. That is a lot of sides for a polgon. Square is a 4 sides polygon, octagon is an 8 sides polygon. Get enough sides, what you see looks like a circle!

  5. The HORIZONTAL LEG is 160, the VERTICAL LEG is 120 and the HYPOTENUSE is 200. Be sure to turn on the sound on your computer. Takes about 12 seconds to draw the triangle with playing the sounds and saying the words.

    Classic right triangle example is 3, 4, 5. 3 squared plus 4 squared = 5 squared. 9 + 16 = 25.

         2       2       2
        3   +   4   =   5
        9   +  16   =  25
    windsor:~/web/1025> bc 
    120 ^ 2        =  14400        3 ^ 2  =   9
    160 ^ 2        =  25600        4 ^ 2  =  16
                      -----                  --
    14400 + 25600  =  40000        9 + 16 =  25
    200 ^ 2        =  40000        5 ^ 2  =  25
    Don't tell me this right triangle needs more cowbell! :-)

  6. Ghostbusters method of approaching turtle trigonometry problem solving and sample NetLOGO homework problem.

    VIP: Twelve turtles moved ten steps ..........

    It is partly a review of today's class, but also a preview of Friday's class.
    30 degree angle triangle. Using the SINE and the COSINE. Hypotenuse is length 10.

    Venkman and Stantz and Spengler. Focus on WHAT first! Draw a picture. State what is given. State what is the goal.
    Then develop the HOW to get from the given to the goal.

            i.  WHAT is given?        Dr. Peter Venkman     WHAT is first focus, first step.
                WHAT is the goal?
           ii.  HOW to get from       Dr. Raymond Stantz    HOW is the second step.  Develop a PLAN
                    i. given start to                           and figure out HOW to solve it
                   ii. the desired result or goal.              only AFTER you thoroughly understand it.
          iii.  Solve the problem using whatever tools      Translate the PLAN into action using
                (Netlogo, Vensim, calculator) and algebra       whatever tools you need, such as
                you need to do.                                 the Windows CALC.EXE calculator
                                       Dr. Egon Spengler        or the SHODOR Data Flyer tool, 
                                                                or Photoshop or After Effects, etc.

Friday, September 9th

  1. VIP: TwoTurtlesTrigonometry090916.pdf Assignment that was handed out in 8 am class, but NOT handed out in noon class because of fire alarm going off at 12:45 pm.
    The assignment is due during week #4, one week from today on Friday 9/16/16.

  2. Twelve Turtles: Trigonometry and Turtle Graphics - what is the SINE of 30 degrees? What is the COSINE of 30 degrees?

    Where is WALDO? (What is the xcor and the ycor of the given turtle). SOH, CAH, TOA...

  3. The SOH, CAH, and TOA relationships and right triangles.

    The Pythagorean Theorem equation that the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz got so excited about!
    3 squared plus 4 squared = 25 and the square root of 25 is 5, so the hypotenuse has length 5.
    3, 4, 5 side length sides is classic example for right triangles.

  4. Read Decentralization and Agents pages from Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams to prepare for week #4 class discussion.