CS 1025 01 - Week #7 (Feb 24-26)

Tuesday, February 24th

Due Thursday, 02/06
VIP: TURTLE TRIG Assignment is due on Thursday, Feb 26th... Due Thursday, 02/06

Where is Waldo? What is Waldo's heading? What is Waldo's xcor? What is Waldo's ycor? SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK!

Study the many example problems carefully. SOH, CAW, TOA - Sine, Cosine, Tangent.
Opposite, Adjacent, Hypotenuse. Look at all SIDES of the problem.
Approach a problem from many angles! :-) Right?

Due on Thursday, March 5th - Assignment handed out: Fourteen questions - turtle trigonometry - Sine, Cosine, Tangent, and Pythagorean Theorem techniques.

  1. 24 turtles moved 10: Assignment is due on Thursday, February 26th...

    Where is Waldo? What is the xcor? What is the ycor? SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK!

  2. In-class paper/pencil exercise: SHOW THE NetLOGO OUTPUT on the patches grid.

    Note: only the first page, #1, where the turtles went a total distance of 2 + 3 + 2 = 7 was done in class.

    Then each student typed in the NetLOGO code to see if their prediction of the output matches what the actual output was.

    Did the 8 turtles form a perfect circle?
    Where were your ODD turtles at? Where is turtle #1, WHO number 1, first ODD turtle?
    Did you draw the ODD turtles at about the right location?

    NOTE: VERY FEW STUDENTS GET THIS RIGHT UNTIL the 2nd half of the SEMESTER! So, no worries! :-)

    Each slice of pie was 45 degrees. 360 divided by 8 = 45. 8 turtles. cro 8.
    fd 2 with pen up, fd 3 with pen down, fd 2 with pen up again.

    Problem: Where is turtle #1, the first odd turtle?

    Type in and try out the code from the problem #1 of the old SHOW THE NetLOGO OUTPUT exercise.

  3. One leg is length 3, one leg is length 4, and the hypotenuse is length 5. Its a right triangle - classic 3 by 4 by 5 for the length of the sides.
       What is the square root of (3 squared plus 4 squared)?
        2      2       2       Why do odd turtles travel FD square root of 128?
       5   =  3   +   4        If EVEN turtles travel FD 8, 
                                  if   2              2     2
                                      8  =  64  and  8  +  8  = 128 ...
       What is the square root of 9 + 16?  What is the square root of 25?
       The square root of 25 is 5, which is the length of the hypotenuse
           if one leg has side length 3 and the other leg has side length 4,
         then the hyp has a length of 5.
       Which side are you on?  Tri it out.  

  4. SOH, CAH, TOA - Sine, Cosine, Tangent. Opposite, Adjacent, Hypotenuse. Tri to get an angle on SOH, CAH, TOA.

  5. Spirals.pdf is last Thursday'ss example.

  6. 02/18/note: Email from Wednesday, February 18th about legs, hypotenuses, SOH, CAH, TOA, angles, etc.

Thursday, February 26th

  1. Due on Thursday, March 5th - Assignment handed out: Fourteen questions - turtle trigonometry - Sine, Cosine, Tangent, and Pythagorean Theorem techniques.

    Test ONE is Tuesday, March 10th.

  2. Eight turtles forming a SQUARE instead of outlining a circle: Followup to Tuesday's class...

  3. Triangles and turtles: Trigonometry and Turtle Graphics - SOH, CAH, TOA.

  4. VIP: Turtle Trigonometry problem with 12 turtles. Where is turtle with WHO number 2?

Twenty Turtles Trig resources.