Audio and After Effects - study guide for final exam
Includes student's posters from small group presentations

  1. audio1.pdf. Wiggling in Time poster by James and Taylor, followed by Keyframing Effects poster by Carter and Collin.

  2. audio4.pdf. Group presentation posters: Matching Frame Rate to TEMPO by Brandon, Cassidy and Johnathon; Timing A Text Animation by Megan and Wesley; Staccato Cuts by Jacob and Shaun.

  3. audio2.pdf. Marking Sonic Events chapter notes.

    Reading an Audio Waveform (note especially the use of + and - keys, not just semicolon key, also F3 key use), Spotting Beats in Music (note concept of clipping distortion), Placing Markers (Comp and Layer Markers), Spotting Audio (how high are the peaks of waves, how close together are the waves, audio amplitude (level or loudness) and pitch (frequency of the wave in that area of the audio). Noteworthy concepts! :-)

  4. audio3.pdf. Notes from the book Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects - Essential and Advanced Techniques.

    (Use of a NULL layer to hold the markers for an Audio layer, name it script notes or music notes; the FOUR numbered steps to Spotting Audio (see pages BBB to CCC); the tapping or "tap along" method of spotting audio when its music you can tap your foot to, you can probably tap the keypad's * key to it too! ; edit the audio levels for an audio track, WHY would you do it? ; why set Audio Levels artificially high when working on a project, but set them way back when you have the audio all spotted; decimal point (period on numeric keypad), spacebar, and 0 on numeric keypad; decibel scale of AUDIO is NOT Linear, it is power oriented (12 decibels is NOT twice as loud as 6 decibels), so it is very bad for keyframing tasks. Use stereo mixer effect which is LINEAR. (Set the LEVEL parameter of stereo mixer effect to 50% instead of 100%, it will be half as loud. Set it to 200% from 100%, it will be twice as loud).

  5. audio5.pdf. Squiggles are the "waveform" of the audio, using L and LL, converting Audio to Keyframes to capture the combined amplitude of the audio waveform, frame by frame. (Recall the Dancing Campanile responding to the amplitudes of the Panther fight song).