Build A Concept Map for Programming




In this activity you will be looking at building a Concept Map/Learning Graph for the items you identified in your reflection.



For this activity I would like you to create a concept map/learning graph based on the items you identified in your previous reflection. While I don't think there are definitive right answers I do think there are some fairly definite wrong answers/connections. Make a real effort to give this serious thought. But don't nitpick and worry to death about the details. Give it your best shot.

Note, this is probably most easily done paper/pencil but you are welcome to use any computer based tool you might be familiar with if that helps YOU. If you do paper/pencil you will need to find a way to scan into a pdf for submission.



I will be grading this on purely a 1/0 basis.  You get credit for submitting something "on time" and that shows that you put time and effort/thought into crafting a meaningful response. 

I do not see there being any right or wrong answers in this activity.  Similarly, length of your answer does not necessarily correlate with the quality of your answers.  Instead, I will be looking to see if you have considered a broad set of ideas/concepts for this reflection and will be looking at the clarity with which you have crafted your response(s).  This includes things like spelling, grammar, formatting, etc.

Please submit this via Blackboard by the end of the week.