TITLE: Reading an Interview with John McPhee Again, for the First Time AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: April 02, 2017 12:02 PM DESC: ----- BODY: "This weekend I enjoyed Peter Hessler's interview of McPhee in The Paris Review, John McPhee, The Art of Nonfiction No. 3." That's a direct quote from this blog. Don't remember it? I don't blame you; neither do I. I do remember blogging about McPhee back when, but as I read the same Paris Review piece again last Sunday and this, I had no recollection of reading it before, no sense of déjà vu at all. Sometimes having a memory like mine is a blessing: I occasionally get to read something for the first time again. If you read my blog, then you get to read my first impressions for a second time. I like this story that McPhee told about Bob Bingham, his editor at The New Yorker:
Bingham had been a writer-reporter at The Reporter magazine. So he comes to work at The New Yorker, to be a fact editor. Within the first two years there, he goes out to lunch with his old high-school friend Gore Vidal. And Gore says, What are you doing as an editor, Bobby? What happened to Bob Bingham the writer? And Bingham says, Well, I decided that I would rather be a first-rate editor than a second-rate writer. And Gore Vidal draws himself up and says, And what is wrong with a second-rate writer?
I can just hear the faux indignation in Vidal's voice. McPhee talked a bit about his struggle over several years to write a series of books on geology, which had grown out of an idea for a one-shot "Talk of the Town" entry. The interviewer asked him if he ever thought about abandoning the topic and moving on to something he might enjoy more. McPhee said:
The funny thing is that you get to a certain point and you can't quit. Because I always worried: if you quit, you'll quit again. The only way out was to go forward, to learn your way and write your way out of it.
I know that feeling. Sometimes, I really do need to quit something and move on, but I always wonder whether quitting this time will make it easier to do next time. Because sometimes, I need to stick it out and, as McPhee says, learn my way out of the difficulty. I have no easy answers for knowing when quitting is the right thing to do. Toward the end of the interview, the conversation turned to the course McPhee teaches at Princeton, once called "the literature of fact". The university first asked him to teach on short notice, over the Christmas break in 1974, and he accepted immediately. Not everyone thought it was a good idea:
One of my dear friends, an English teacher at Deerfield, told me: Do not do this. He said, Teachers are a dime a dozen -- writers aren't. But my guess is that I've been more productive as a writer since I started teaching than I would have been if I hadn't taught. In the overall crop rotation, it's a complementary job: I'm looking at other people's writing, and the pressure's not on me to do it myself. But then I go back quite fresh.
I know a lot of academics who feel this way. Then again, it's a lot easier to stay fresh in one's creative work if one has McPhee's teaching schedule, rather than a full load of courses:
My schedule is that I teach six months out of thirty-six, and good Lord, that leaves a lot of time for writing, right?
Indeed it does. Indeed it does. On this reading of the interview, I marked only two passages that I wrote about last time. One came soon after the above response, on how interacting with students is its own reward. The other was a great line about the difference between mastering technique and having something to say: You demonstrated you know how to saddle a horse. Now go find the horse. That said, I unconsciously channeled this line from McPhee just yesterday:
Writing teaches writing.
We had a recruitment event on campus, and I was meeting with a dozen or so prospective students and their entourages. We were talking about our curriculum, and I said a few words about our senior project courses. Students generally like these courses, even though they find them difficult. The students have never had to write a big program over the course of several months, and it's harder than it looks. The people who hire our graduates like these courses, too, because they know that these courses are places where students really begin to learn to program. In the course of my remarks, I said something to the effect, "You can learn a lot about programming in classes where you study languages and techniques and theory, but ultimately you learn to write software by writing software. That's what the project courses are all about." There were a couple of experienced programmers in the audience, and they were all nodding their heads. They know McPhee is right. -----