TITLE: Off to Strange Loop AUTHOR: Eugene Wallingford DATE: September 30, 2021 4:42 PM DESC: ----- BODY:
the Strange Loop splash screen from the main hall, 2018
After a couple of years away, I am attending Strange Loop. 2018 seems so long ago now...
Last Wednesday morning, I hopped in my car and headed south to Strange Loop 2018. It had been a few years since I'd listened to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance on a conference drive, so I popped it into the tape deck (!) once I got out of town and fell into the story. My top-level goal while listening to Zen was similar to my top-level goal for attending Strange Loop this year: to experience it at a high level; not to get bogged down in so many details that I lost sight of the bigger messages. Even so, though, a few quotes stuck in my mind from the drive down. The first is an old friend, one of my favorite lines from all of literature:
Assembly of Japanese bicycle require great peace of mind.
The other was the intellectual breakthrough that unified Phaedrus's philosophy:
Quality is not an object; it is an event.
This idea has been on my mind in recent months. It seemed a fitting theme, too, for Strange Loop.
There will be no Drive South in 2021. For a variety of reasons, I decided to attend the conference virtually. The persistence of COVID is certainly one of big the reasons. Alex and the crew at Strange Loop are taking all the precautions one could hope for to mitigate risk, but even so I will feel more comfortable online this year than in rooms full of people from across the country. I look forward to attending in person again soon. Trying to experience the conference at a high level is again one of my meta-level goals for attending. The program contains so many ideas that are new to me; I think I'll benefit most by opening myself to areas I know little or nothing about and seeing where the talks lead me. This year, I have a new meta-level goal: to see what it is like to attend a conference virtually. Strange Loop is using Vito as its hub for streaming video and conference rooms and Slack as its online community. This will be my first virtual conference, and I am curious to see how it feels. With concerns such as climate change, public health, and equity becoming more prominent as conference-organizing committees make their plans, I suspect that we will be running more and more of our conferences virtually in the future, especially in CS. I'm curious to see how much progress has been made in the last eighteen months and how much room we have to grow. This topic is even on the program! Tomorrow's lineup concludes with Crista Lopes speaking on the future of conferences. She's been thinking about and helping to implement conferences in new ways for a few years, so I look forward to hearing what she has to say. Whatever the current state of virtual conferences, I fully expect that this conference will be a worthy exemplar. It always is. So, I'm off to Strange Loop for a couple of days. I'll be in my basement. -----