Just-in-Time Compilation

Another Form of Optimiation

Just-in-Time Compilation

... this section is incomplete. I will fill in details as time permits. If you are interested, let me know, and I'll try to get to it sooner.

"JIT" versus doing all optimization up front...

... consider Javascript in your browser.

A jitter will still interpret the program, but when it finds a hot spot in the program, it might produce assembly code instead:

for (size_t pc = 0; pc < p.instructions.size(); ++pc) {
  char instruction = p.instructions[pc];
  switch (instruction) {
  case '>':
    // inc %r13
    emitter.EmitBytes({0x49, 0xFF, 0xC5});
  case '<':
    // dec %r13
    emitter.EmitBytes({0x49, 0xFF, 0xCD});
  case '+':
    // Our memory is byte-addressable, so using addb/subb for modifying it.
    // addb $1, 0(%r13)
    emitter.EmitBytes({0x41, 0x80, 0x45, 0x00, 0x01});
  case '-':
    // subb $1, 0(%r13)
    emitter.EmitBytes({0x41, 0x80, 0x6D, 0x00, 0x01});

... the interpreter pattern is the same: write code to memory, then branch to that code and run it! This is possible in many languages, using libraries. Most commonly in C.

... this does not save intepretation steps, like the optimizer might, but executes assembly code directly, rather than the interpreter's implementation of it. Less overhead.

So much work in JIT compilation took off with the advent of Java. The rise of Javascript has kept the interesting work going. We can do the same things for Racket and Python, too, and many of our tools do.